Issue - decisions

25/11/2016 - Report of the Finance and Revenues & Benefits Portfolio Holder - A.4 Corporate Budget Monitoring - Second Quarter 2016/17


Decision: That:


(a)          the financial position as at the end of September 2016 was noted;


(b)          that in respect of the 2016/17 budget it was approved that:


·                    planning expenditure budgets be increased to facilitate additional capacity to meet the current demand for the service with the associated income budget increased by £0.102m as set out in the report;


·                    the General Fund Capital Programme be increased by £0.120m to accommodate the increased cost of the air handling units at Clacton Leisure Centre funded by the adjustments set out in the report and;


(c)          the Council’s Treasury Management Practices be amended to allow the aggregate amount that can be invested with any one Local Authority to be increased from £4.000million to £6.000million.