Issue - decisions

14/06/2021 - Wellbeing Hubs Project

Project funding to be allocated (in line with the PID) to support Executive Head teacher and key identified staff/link ambassadors time to ensure effective planning, delivery and monitoring of the project.
Extract from PID, "An important element of this project proposal is the inclusion of structured support for staff of pilot primary schools. The Project Lead (Executive Head Teacher) will provide 6 coaching and supervision sessions for the participating HTs over their first year of implementation. This is based on experience, recognising the often substantial challenges to implementing new approaches in a real world setting. Others have also recognised this as a barrier as wellbeing initiatives are often seen as an extra thing for teachers to do. The Project Lead will use this opportunity to coach participating HTs as to the wider importance and impact of addressing children’s mental health and wellbeing in a primary school setting, with the aim of increasing their understanding and buy in."