Issue - decisions

09/04/2021 - Acceptance of grant funding for park home insulation scheme

In accordance with the delegation approved at the Cabinet meeting on 26th June 2020, the Housing Portfolio Holder has authority to make changes to the Financial Assistance Policy for Private Sector Housing.

The decision is:

1.      To accept £975,025 of funding following a successful bid to the Government Green Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery Scheme, Phase 1b.


2.      To use that funding to offer insulation grants to owners of park homes in the District and accordingly add a section to the Financial Assistance Policy for Private Sector Housing to include the grant offer in the policy.


3.      To enter into a memorandum of understanding with Cornerstone, the contractor who will be offering to undertake the insulation works on behalf of the park home owners who are awarded a grant through the scheme.

A decision is required in order to accept the funding, amend the Financial Assistance Policy and to enter into a memorandum of understanding with Cornerstone, the contractor who will be offering to undertake the insulation works on behalf of the park home owners who are awarded a grant through the scheme.