Issue - decisions

19/02/2021 - Cabinet Members' Items - Joint Report of the Corporate Finance & Governance Portfolio Holder and the Housing Portfolio Holder - A.7 - Motion By Councillor Placey - Proposed Development of Surplus Sites for Housing or Disposal

RESOLVED that Cabinet –


(a)    again thanks Councillor Placey for her motion and, whilst welcoming its spirit proposes an amended motion to better achieve the desired outcomes;


(b)    notes and supports the ongoing work by Officers in relation to identifying potential sites for development or disposal; identifying potential purchases of dwellings on the market; and establishing processes and resources for the construction of new Council Housing;


(c)    instruct Officers to continue to investigate potential sites and acquisitions, wherever they may be located within the District, reporting to the Cabinet and Portfolio Holders in their exercise of executive functions and Scheme of Delegation;


(d)    determines that each report and decision should have regard to the adopted Housing Strategy and:


a.      addressing housing need in the District and area concerned;

b.      potential receipts to fund housing construction, acquisition or other Council priorities; and

c.      the specific characteristics of the site and area under consideration including (but not limited to) the current use and contribution to Council Priorities, costs of operation, the proximity of other services and uses, the economic viability of development, and whether a transfer to another organisation in current form would better promote the Council’s priorities.


RECOMMENDS TO COUNCIL that the following amended motion be adopted by Full Council, in accordance with the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 12.5:-


“That the Council:


i)       notes and supports the ongoing work by Officers in relation to identification of potential sites for development or disposal, identifying potential purchases of dwellings on the market and establishing processes and resources for the construction of new Council Housing; and


ii)    notes the instruction from Cabinet to Officers to continue to investigate all potential sites and acquisitions, wherever they may be located within the District, reporting to the Cabinet and Portfolio Holders in accordance with their Executive functions and Scheme of Delegation including the various criteria outlined in the Cabinet’s decision taken on 19 February 2021 including reference to housing, financial and other priorities and the specific characteristics of the sites and area under consideration and the identified needs of those areas.”