Issue - decisions

29/01/2021 - Leader of the Council's Items - A.6 - Priority Actions for 2021/22 and Monitoring Delivery of those Actions



(a)    the provisional key priority actions for 2021/22, as set out at Appendix A to item A.6 of the Report of the Leader of the Council, be adopted;


(b)    the means by which performance against the priorities will be monitored and reported on in 2021/22 be determined on the basis set out in Appendix B to the aforementioned report;


(c)    consultation on the adopted provisional key priority actions referred to in (a) above and the performance monitoring proposals referred to in (b) above be undertaken with the Council’s two Overview and Scrutiny Committees during February 2020;


(d)    the outcome of the consultation with the Overview and Scrutiny Committees referred to in (c) above be reported to Cabinet at its meeting due to be held on 19 March 2021 in order that Cabinet can formally adopt its finalised key priority actions for 2021/22.