Issue - decisions

13/11/2020 - Cabinet Members' Items - Joint Report of the Housing Portfolio Holder and the Corporate Finance and Governance Portfolio Holder - A.6 - The Local Council Tax Support Scheme, Discretionary Council Tax Exemptions / Discounts for 2021/22 and Annual Mini

RESOLVED that Cabinet –


(a)    agrees that the LCTS scheme for 2021/22 remains the same as the current year,


(b)    agrees the Council Tax Exceptional Hardship Policy, as set out in Appendix B to the Joint Report;


(c)    requests Officers to undertake the necessary work to develop a council tax discount policy for young people leaving care, for consideration alongside the budget for 2021/22;


(d)    agrees that the discretionary Council Tax exemptions and discounts remain unchanged in 2021/22;and


(e)    agrees the Annual Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Policy Statement for 2021/22.




(i)     the Local Council Tax Support Scheme 2021/22 (LCTS), as set out as Appendix A to the Joint Report, be approved with the maximum LCTS award being 80% for working age claimants;


(ii)    the Assistant Director (Finance and IT), in consultation with the Housing Portfolio Holder, be authorised to undertake the necessary steps to implement the LCTS scheme from 1 April 2021;


(iii)   the locally determined council tax discounts, as set out in Appendix C to the Joint Report, be approved;


(iv)  the Assistant Director (Finance and IT), in consultation with the Housing Portfolio Holder, be authorised to undertake the necessary steps to implement the council tax exemptions and discounts from 1 April 2021;


(iv)   it is agreed, in principle, to levy the maximum allowable council tax premiums from 1 April 2022 and that Officers be requested to write to the relevant property owners advising them of the Council’s intentions; and


(v)    the Annual Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Policy Statement for 2021/22, as set out in Appendix D to the Joint Report, be approved.