Issue - decisions

24/07/2020 - Leader of the Council's Items - A.2 - North Essex Garden Communities Ltd.

RESOLVED that Cabinet –


(a)    notes the decision of the North Essex Garden Communities Ltd Board on 6th July 2020 to take all the necessary steps to wind up the three Local Delivery Vehicles, namely Colchester Braintree Borders Ltd, Tendring Colchester Borders Ltd and West of Braintree Ltd;


(b)    notes Colchester Borough Council’s disappointing decision not to approve their partnership contribution to the NEGC project and requests that the Leader of Tendring District Council formally write to Colchester Borough Council to express this Council’s concerns with regard to future working arrangements and seeking clarity around remedying their equal share of project responsibilities;


(c)    approves, as a Shareholder, that North Essex Garden Communities Ltd. ceases trading with effect from 31 August 2020; and


(d)   approves the necessary winding up procedures are undertaken, subject to the Leader of the Council, in consultation with the Section 151 Officer and the Monitoring Officer, being satisfied around the final accounting processes.