Agenda item

The report is to provide information on the current position in relation to health further to the Committee’s meeting on 13 January 2020 and an update in relation to Covid.


Further to the meeting of the Committee held on 13 January 2020 (Minute 84 refers) the Committee was updated around deprivation, health measures and the proposed integrated neighbourhood team for Tendring South.  Also included was funding for primary care on the Clacton Hospital site and the operation of GP services from Kennedy House. The meeting was also to consider the Covid-19 measures to control spread and identify those most at risk and how to protect them and to also consider the role of community groups and volunteers.


The Committee heard that its previous meeting on health had been in January 2020 and although a number of updates were required to be brought forward at that meeting the overriding piece of work undertaken since that time, by all partners including health, had been in relation to the Covid-19 response. Only a limited amount of progress had been made before the first wave struck and then available resources were all focussed on the appropriate Covid-19 response, although the later summer period had allowed for some return towards more normal operations the main focus now was again on the Covid-19 response.


It was reported to Members that the main body of work undertaken in respect of deprivation was the focus on the deprived areas in respect of the Covid-19 response since those in more deprived areas had suffered worse health outcomes.  Work had been undertaken to ensure parity of access to services and in particular the community response involved ensuring that those most in need could still access essential services such as medication or food.


Members were updated that the outline business case for the Primary Care Hub at Clacton Hospital was proceeding with a proposed submission to NHS England/Improvement in December 2020 with approval expected to take 3 months.  The Hub would provide opportunities for integrated working across multiple partners and would also provide improved accommodation elsewhere on the site.  That development had been co-designed with two GP practices from the start in order to ensure that the needs of residents and staff were met. Building works were progressing at Kennedy House and the handover was due to take place in March 2021 and that would align with the timeline for the completion of the current Alternative Provider Medical Services (APMS) procurement.


It was reported to the Committee that work had continued on the neighbourhood team model although it had been somewhat delayed due to Covid-19.  On that basis the initial neighbourhood team site was being set up within central Colchester.  There were six teams proposed across the North Essex footprint.  Following the setting up of the initial site in the winter of 2020/21 the other sites would be set up during 2021.  A Senior Responsible Officer had been appointed and engagement with partners had been undertaken to ensure the effective mobilisation of the neighbourhood teams and for example a wider stakeholder workshop was to be undertaken on 2 December 2020 to move that forward.


The Committee heard that significant work had been undertaken by all partners in respect of the Covid-19 response and the Public Health Team at Essex County Council had led the public health response.  That had involved the development of an Outbreak Control Plan in respect of Covid-19 which had been implemented effectively and that had included support from district and borough councils in Essex.  Weekly Health Protection Board meetings had also been undertaken to ensure the response was appropriate and targeted.


The Committee was updated that The Essex Wellbeing Service had also been developed to ensure that residents were effectively supported and particularly those most at risk. The team had also been integral to supporting track and trace and ensuring that there was support, engagement and enforcement where necessary to assist in controlling the spread of Covid-19.  In addition that had included supporting in investigating outbreaks and providing appropriate advice.


Members heard that the work undertaken during the initial lockdown period had provided for an effective response which was being used in an ongoing way and being further developed in the light of ongoing changes. The flu vaccination programme had neared completion and had been effectively delivered. In terms of the community response to support those who were vulnerable, the focus was on deprived areas and also the wider rural areas which were more difficult to access or where residents had more difficulty accessing on line support.  The Council had quickly aligned some temporary roles to support those groups that provided a call and advice reception and made proactive calls.


The Committee was informed that a raft of local voluntary groups had been formed and those contacts had been audited to understand their capacity and capability which had then been fed into a new database and App that would match community demands to the developing volunteer base. With 6500 Category A residents appropriate advice and support had been offered by the community groups coordinated through the Community Hub with a focus on actual vulnerability of individuals to ensure resources were deployed appropriately in a flexible and tailored way considering the different needs across the District. Volunteer groups locally had been supplemented by Essex Welfare Service volunteers which numbered about one hundred and with the local share of NHS volunteers for the Tendring area there had been sufficient assistance available to meet requests for assistance received.


The Operation Shield helpline set up by the Council had dealt with in excess of 2500 incoming calls and had made 3000 outgoing calls and there had been over 50 personal visits to ensure residents most at need had been appropriately supported.


After a very in-depth discussion it was moved by Councillor Stephenson and seconded by Councillor Davis that it is RECOMMENDED to CABINET that:


·         The suggestion from the Chief Operating Officer for the North East Essex Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) to create a forum across North East Essex that will allow Councillors to communicate the views of their constituents with the GP practice leads directly be supported and the CCG urged to implement this as soon as possible.


·         the continued hard work of the North East Essex Clinical Commissioning Group  and local NHS providers, Dr Gogarty and the Public Health team at Essex County Council as well as this Council’s redeployed/redirected staff supporting those in need due to Covid-19 restrictions be recognised.


The urgent need to establish an integrated neighbourhood primary care network in the Tendring South Area (covering parts of Clacton and Jaywick Sands) be recorded and representations made to the CCG to ensure there is no further slippage in its development (as this was to have been the first such primary care network in the CCG’s area in view of the health inequalities in that Area and for understandable reasons the CCG had had to prioritise the setting up of a network in Central Colchester first).

It was also RESOLVED that the kind offer of Chief Operating Officer for the North East Essex Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) to share with the Committee information obtained from the various engagement processes the CCG have carried out in the community (as referenced in her report to the Committee) be accepted and consideration be given at a future meeting of the Committee as to when to enquire further in respect of the many measures it was advised were underway locally to improve health services locally. 

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