Agenda item
To seek the Planning Policy and Local Plan Committee’s endorsement for suggested amendments to Policy PPL10 on ‘Renewable Energy Generation’ in Section 2 of the Council’s emerging Local Plan. This follows a meeting involving some Members of the Council’s Climate Change Working Group and the Planning Policy and Local Plan Committee held on 25th June 2020, where a form of wording was agreed for this Committee’s consideration.
The Committee had before it a comprehensive report (and appendix) of the Corporate Director (Place and Economy) (A.2) which sought the Planning Policy and Local Plan Committee’s endorsement for suggested amendments to Policy PPL10 on ‘Renewable Energy Generation’ in Section 2 of the Council’s emerging Local Plan. That followed a meeting involving some Members of the Council’s Climate Change Working Group and the Planning Policy and Local Plan Committee held on 25th June 2020, where a form of wording was agreed for this Committee’s consideration.
It was reported at its last meeting on 8th July 2020, the Planning Policy and Local Plan Committee was asked to consider a number of suggested amendments to certain planning policies in Section 2 of the Council’s emerging Local Plan relating to housing design standards, efficiency and accessibility. Most of the suggested amendments were agreed by the Committee and would be put forward to the Planning Inspector, as appropriate, for their consideration as part of the Local Plan examination process. It was however decided that consideration any amendments to Policy PPL10 on ‘Renewable Energy Generation’ would be deferred to allow discussion with the Council’s Climate Change Working Group to ensure they properly embrace the ambitions of the Council in tackling the climate emergency.
On 25th June 2020, some Members from the Climate Change Working Group and the Planning Policy and Local Plan Committee met, virtually via Skype and discussed potential further amendments to Policy PPL10 and the wording that was agreed is set out as follows:
“Policy PPL10
Proposals for renewable energy schemes will be considered having regard to their scale, impact (including cumulative impact) and the amount of energy which is to be generated. All proposals for new development of any type should consider the potential for a range of renewable energy solutions, appropriate to the building(s), site and its location, and should include renewable energy installations, and be designed to facilitate the retro-fitting of renewable energy installations. For residential development proposals involving the creation of one or more dwellings, the Council will expect detailed planning applications to be accompanied by a ‘Renewable Energy Generation Plan’ (REPG) setting out the measures that will be incorporated into the design, layout and construction aimed at maximising energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy. The REGP must demonstrate how the following measures have been considered and incorporated:
· Triple Glazing;
· Solar Roof Panels or Solar Tiles
· Air Source Heating Systems
· Ground Source Heating Systems
· Super Insulation (walls and loft void)
· Rainwater Capture Systems
· Electric Vehicle Rapid Charging Points (provided to an individual dwelling or through an appropriate communal facility)
· Superfast Broadband and a flexible space within each home to enable home working and a reduction in the need to travel
· Mechanical Heat Recovery Ventilation
· Solar Thermal Systems
· Solar and Battery Storage Systems; and (where appropriate)
· Other newer or alternative technologies and measures aimed at maximising energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy.
Planning permission will only be granted where the applicant can demonstrate that the above measures have been fully considered and, where viable and appropriate, incorporated into the design, layout and construction. The Council will consider the use of planning conditions to ensure the measures are delivered.
To maximise the effectiveness of Solar Panels, buildings should be planned and orientated to have a strong southerly aspect and for the south side of pitched roofs to be rectilinear and uncluttered. Dormer Windows, hipped roofs and corner tower elements should be confined to the northern side of pitched roofs.
Nothing in this policy diminishes or replaces the requirements of Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) and Standard Assessment Procedures (SAP) for constructed buildings and compliance with the relevant building regulations.”
Members were informed of the advantage of the proposed policy wording was that rather than setting out a prescriptive list of requirements, it placed the onus on the applicant for planning permission to submit material to demonstrate how they had considered the available range of technologies and measures that could be put in place to maximise energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy and how they had incorporated them into their design, layout and construction. Where certain measures were considered to be inappropriate, impractical or unviable, the applicant’s response to this policy gave them the opportunity to explain their reasons. Planning Officers and Members of the Planning Committee could then determine whether or not proposals had met the requirements of the policy and achieve an appropriate response to climate change.
That the Councils Officers supported the proposed wording and see it was a reasonable, justified and workable response to the climate change emergency.
The Local Plan had already been submitted to the Secretary of State for it to be examined by a government-appointed Planning Inspector. The Inspector had the power to recommend ‘modifications’ to the Local Plan, following the examination, aimed at addressing any issues with the soundness of the plan. Whilst it would be at the Inspector’s discretion which modifications were formally recommended, the Council would have the opportunity to suggest changes to the Inspector, for their consideration, as part of the examination process.
Having duly considered and discussed the contents of the report and its appendices:-
It was moved by Councillor Allen, seconded by Councillor Bush and unanimously:-
RESOLVED that the Planning Policy and Local Plan Committee –
a) considerd and approved the revised wording for Policy PPL10 in the Tendring District Local Plan 2013-2033 and Beyond: Publication Draft (the emerging Local Plan) as set out in the executive summary above;
b) authorised the Assistant Director for Strategic Planning and Place, in consultation with the Chairman of the Planning Policy and Local Plan Committee, putting forward the suggested wording, in the form of amendments to the current draft policy, to the Planning Inspector for their consideration as part of the examination of the Section 2 Plan;
c) authorised the Assistant Director for Strategic Planning and Place, in consultation with the Chairman of the Planning Policy Local Plan Committee, the Chairman of the Council’s Climate Change Working Group and the Assistant Direct for Housing and Environment, to draft associated amendments to the ‘supporting text’ or ‘preamble’ to Policy PPL10 which wiould also be put forward for the Inspector’s consideration as part of the examination process.
Supporting documents: