Agenda item

Development of 13 dwellings with associated landscaping and infrastructure.


Please see below the link to Public Access for this item.  Also inserted is the PowerPoint presentation for the application.


Members were aware that this application had been referred to Planning Committee at the request of Councillor Clifton due to his concerns relating to the affordable housing provision, the design and street scene impact, poor layout and density, highway safety and parking. This application site formed part of a larger piece of land stretching from Halstead Road to Buxton Avenue on the northern side of Kirby Cross.


Members recalled that this application had been deferred at the January 2020 meeting of the Committee in order to allow negotiations to take place with the applicant with a view to securing amendments to the scheme with respect to plots 1-4 inclusive. Members had requested that those plots be pushed southwards and plots 1 and 2 reduced to bungalows. Members had also requested that a landscaping scheme be provided to the northern boundary of the site.


It was reported that to this end the applicant had submitted revised plans indicating that Plots 1 & 2 had been amended to 1 bed bungalows and plots 3 and four had been moved further southwards within the site. A 2.5m high screen fence had now been introduced along part of the northern boundary of the site and additional landscaping had been provided along the northern boundary in the form of hedging and trees. Furthermore, indicative plans demonstrated an affordable housing mix revised to 2 x 1 bed bungalows, 1 x 2 bed houses & 1 x 3 bed houses.


In addition, a revised Drainage Strategy and updated vehicle tracking drawings had also been submitted in order to coordinate with the revised layout however there had been no material change to the technical details.


The Committee had before it the published Officer report containing the key planning issues, relevant planning policies, planning history, any response from consultees, written representations received and a recommendation of approval.


At the meeting, an oral presentation was made by the Council’s Temporary Planning Team Leader in respect of the application.


Following discussion by the Committee, it was moved by Councillor Harris, seconded by Councillor Alexander and unanimously RESOLVED that the Acting Assistant Director (Planning) (or equivalent authorised officer) be authorised to grant planning permission for the development, subject to:


a) Within 6 (six) months of the date of the Committee’s resolution to approve, the completion of a legal agreement under the provisions of section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 dealing with the following matters (where relevant):

-           Financial Contribution towards RAMS

-           Financial contribution towards Open Space

-           Affordable housing contribution 4 dwellings


b) )the following conditions:


Conditions and Reasons:


1) The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.


Reason - To comply with the requirements of Section 91 of the Town and Country

Planning Act 1990, as amended by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act



2) The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved Drawing Nos:

Drawing Lin22259-11c Amended landscaping proposals

Amended appendix 2 - proposed drainage strategy

Drawing P106 e Amended refuse strategy layout

Drawing P122 A12 bungalow semi floor plans

Drawing C102 d Amended coloured street scenes

Amended design and access statement

Drawing P101 l Amended site layout

Drawing P102 e Amended whole site layout

Drawing P103 e Amended buildings materials layout

Drawing P104 e Amended boundary materials layout

Drawing P107 e Amended garden size layout

Drawing P114 c Amended hardwick-mountford elevations

Drawing P121 e Amended illustrative street scenes

Drawing P124 A12 bungalow semi elevations

Drawing Lhe132-sk2 c Amended fire and refuse tracking

Drawing P105 e Amended surface materials layout

Report Lin22259mand Amended soft landscape management and maintenance plan

Drawing P123 A12 bungalow semi elevations

Drawing C101 d Amended coloured site layout


Reason - For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.


3) All changes in ground levels, hard landscaping, planting, seeding or turfing shown on the approved landscaping details shall be carried out during the first planting and seeding season (October - March inclusive) following the commencement of the development or in such other phased arrangement as may be agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Any trees or shrubs which, within a period of 5 years of being planted die, are removed or seriously damaged or seriously diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species, unless the Local Planning Authority agrees in writing to a variation of the previously approved details.


Reason - In the interests of visual amenity and the character of the area.


4) Prior to the first occupation of any of the proposed development hereby permitted the internal road and footway layout as shown on the approved plans shall be provided.


Reason - To ensure that vehicles using the site access do so in a controlled manner, in the interests of highway safety.


5) Prior to the commencement of above ground development, details of the estate roads and footways (including layout, levels, gradients, surfacing and means of surface water drainage) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


Reason - To ensure that roads and footways are constructed to an acceptable standard, in the interests of highway safety.


6) The development shall not be occupied until such time as the car parking and turning areas as shown on the approved plans have been provided. These facilities shall be retained in this form at all times and shall not be used for any purpose other than the parking and turning of vehicles related to the use of the development thereafter.


Reason - To ensure that on-street parking of vehicles in the adjoining streets does not occur, in the interests of highway safety.


7) No development shall take place until precise details of the provision, siting, design and materials of screen walls and fences have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved screen walls and fences shall be erected prior to the dwellings to which they relate being first occupied and thereafter be retained in the approved form.


Reason - To protect the amenities and privacy of occupiers of the adjoining property.


8) No development shall commence until details of a surface water drainage works shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The details shall accord with the principles contained in the Updated Flood Risk and Drainage Strategy (October 2015) and the Amended Drainage Strategy Report (September 2019).


The submitted details shall: a. measures to minimise the risk of flooding during the construction works; b. provide information about the design storm period and intensity, the method employed to delay and control the surface water discharged from the site and the measures taken to prevent pollution of the receiving groundwater and/or surface waters; c. include a timetable for its implementation; and, d. provide, a management and maintenance plan for the lifetime of the development which shall include the arrangements for adoption by any public authority or statutory undertaker and any other arrangements to secure the operation of the scheme throughout its lifetime. No building shall be occupied until the works have been implemented in accordance with the approved details.


Reason - To ensure satisfactory provision of foul and surface water drainage in order to prevent the development from causing increased flood risk off site over the lifetime of the development.


9) No development shall take place before an Environmental Construction Management Plan for the construction of the development hereby approved has been submitted to, and approved in writing, by the Local Planning Authority. Works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved method statement. Details submitted in respect of the method statement, incorporated on a plan, shall provide for wheel cleaning facilities during the excavation, site preparation and construction stages of the development to prevent the deposition of mud or other debris onto the highway network/public areas. The method statement shall also include details of safe access to/from the site, the parking and turning of vehicles of site operatives and visitors, loading and unloading of plant and materials, delivery and construction working hours, dust suppression strategy, routing of delivery vehicles, measures to control noise and lighting, the provision of a means of storage and/or delivery for all plant, site huts, site facilities and materials, means of safeguarding the public right of way during construction, the erection and maintenance of security hoarding, a scheme for recycling/disposing of waste resulting from construction, and temporary traffic management/signage.


Reason - To ensure that development is carried out in a controlled manner in the interests of highway safety, while minimising impacts on the surrounding residential properties and the natural environment.


10) Prior to the commencement of any piling works which may be necessary, a full method statement - to include a rationale for the piling method chosen and details of the techniques to be employed which minimise noise and vibration to nearby residents – shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Piling Works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved method statement.


Reason - To ensure that development is carried out in a controlled manner in the interests of highway safety, while minimising impacts on the surrounding residential properties and the natural environment.

Supporting documents: