Agenda item
To enable the Committee to appoint a named member and a named substitute member from an opposition group to serve on the Human Resources Sub-Committee Panel.
There was submitted a report by the Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate Resources) (A.5) presented to the Committee by the Deputy Chief Executive (Martyn Knappett) which sought to enable the Committee to appoint a named member and a named substitute member from an opposition group to serve on the Human Resources Sub-Committee Panel.
Members were informed that the former Human Resources Committee, at its meeting held on 15 November 2016 (Minute 14 referred), had considered a joint report by the Chief Executive and the Monitoring Officer, which provided that Committee with details of changes to the Officer Employment Procedure Rules.
The Officers’ report had recommended that a Sub-Committee Panel of the Committee be constituted to form part of the recruitment, dismissal and disciplinary process for the appointment of Senior Officers. This included the Chief Executive and other Statutory Chief Officers (Section 151 and Monitoring Officer posts), Chief Officer posts (Corporate Directors) and all Deputy Chief Officers (Heads of Service).
That report had also recommended that the Panel would undertake the final interview of those applicants for Senior Officer posts who had successfully been shortlisted and had undertaken the necessary technical interviews and assessments. The Panel would be a formally constituted sub-committee of the Committee, established by the Council. It was proposed that the Panel should comprise of three members. At least one was required by legislation to be a member of the Cabinet, (to be appointed by the Leader of the Council at the appropriate time) however, it was suggested that this could be the relevant Portfolio Holder for the service concerned. The Panel should also include the Chairman (or failing him/her the Vice-Chairman) of the Committee and a named Committee member from an opposition group (full Council would appoint the named individual).
After due consideration of the whole report the Committee had, inter alia,:-
(a) a sub-committee of Human Resources Committee be formed to act as a Panel and to discharge the functions as set out in the report;
(b) the terms of reference of the Human Resources Committee be amended to include the function of the sub-committee Panel;
(c) the requirements of political balance be dispensed with for the sub-committee Panel;
(d) a named committee member (and a named substitute committee member) from an opposition group be appointed;”
Full Council had considered the Committee’s recommendations at its meeting held on 29 November 2016 (Minute 101 refers) and had, inter alia, RESOLVED:-
“(b) that the recommendations to Council, as contained in Minute 14 of the Human Resources Committee of 15 November 2016, be approved, subject to Councillor Calver and Councillor Bray being appointed as the named committee member and the named substitute committee member from an opposition group respectively.”
The Committee was advised that, following the District Council Elections held in May this year it was now required to re-appoint the named committee member and the named substitute committee member from an opposition group.
Members were made aware that in making those appointments the Committee would be permitted to choose from the following four opposition group members of the Committee:-
Councillor Garry Calver
Councillor Paul Clifton
Councillor Pam Morrison
Councillor Mark Stephenson
It was moved by Councillor Morrison, seconded by Councillor M Stephenson and:-
RESOLVED, that Councillor Calver be appointed as the named committee member from an opposition group on the Human Resources Sub-Committee Panel.
It was then moved by Councillor Chapman, seconded by Councillor Clifton and:-
RESOLVED, that Councillor Morrison be appointed as the named substitute committee member from an opposition group on the Human Resources Sub-Committee Panel.
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