Agenda item
To update Human Resources & Council Tax Committee on the work that has been undertaken to date, and future activities planned, to support the armed forces/veteran community, including Tendring District Council’s participation in the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme.
There was submitted a report by the Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate Resources) (A.4) presented by the Human Resources and Business Manager (Katie Wilkins) that updated Human Resources Committee on the work that had been undertaken to date, and future activities planned, to support the armed forces/veteran community, including Tendring District Council’s participation in the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme (ERS).
The Committee was aware that the ERS encouraged employers to support the Armed Forces/veteran community and inspire others to do the same. The scheme encompassed bronze, silver and gold awards for employer organisations that pledged, demonstrated or advocated support to the armed forces/ veteran community, and aligned their values with the Armed Forces Covenant (the Armed Forces Covenant was a promise by the nation ensuring that those who served or who had served in the armed forces, and their families, were treated with fairness and respect in the communities, economy and society they served with their lives).
It was reported that the covenant focussed on helping members of the armed forces community to have the same access to government and commercial services and products as any other citizen. This support was provided in a number of areas including:-
- Education and family well-being;
- Having a home;
- Starting a new career;
- Access to healthcare;
- Financial assistance;
- Discounted services.
Members were informed that this Council currently held ERS bronze award status, in achieving this, the Council had demonstrated its commitment to being ‘armed forces-friendly’ and that it was open to employing reservists, armed forces veterans (including the wounded, injured and sick), cadet instructors and military spouses/partners.
The Committee was advised that Officers were keen to develop this work, not only to support the priorities outlined in the Armed Forces Covenant; but also to support the Council’s recruitment priorities. Colchester Barracks discharged around 400 military personnel each year, a number of which decided to remain in the Colchester and Tendring area. Those personnel were highly trained and skilled and as such the Council was keen to tap into this talent pipeline.
Members were made aware that Officers were now working in partnership with Samantha Goodman (Armed Forces Development Officer, at Colchester Borough Council (CBC)), towards the attainment of silver accreditation. Samantha had led CBC’s submission and achievement of silver status in 2018. Tendring District Council also has an Elected Member Lead for work relating to support for the Armed Forces (Councillor Christopher Amos).
It was reported that Employers could self-nominate for the ERS. Once the nomination had been validated it would be considered by a selection board at national level for gold awards and regional level for silver awards. The selection boards would be a panel chaired by a senior military officer and they would consider each nomination against the award criteria. Organisations selected for gold and silver awards would be formally notified in writing and invited to the relevant award event.
Appendix 1 to the report detailed both the activity undertaken to date, and the proposed future activity to support the armed forces/veteran community and the achievement of silver award status.
With the permission of the Chairman, Councillor Amos addressed the Committee on the subject matter of this item.
It was moved by Councillor Ferguson, seconded by Councillor Broderick and:-
RESOLVED that the contents of the report be noted.
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