Agenda item

Application for Phase 1 Reserved Matters for Access, Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale for 96 Residential Units and 162sqm A2 floor space following Outline Planning Permission 15/00761/OUT (as subsequently amended by 17/01537/OUT).


Councillor Turner had earlier declared that, due to the fact that he was acting as a substitute and had not been present at the meeting where Planning Application 17/00535/DETAIL was previously before the Committee, he would not participate whilst the Committee deliberated on the Application and reached its decision. Councillor Turner withdrew from the meeting.


Councillor Baker had earlier declared an interest in Planning Application 17/00535/DETAIL, insofar as he was pre-determined. Councillor Baker therefore withdrew from the meeting whilst the Committee deliberated on the Application and reached its decision.


Councillor Heaney had earlier declared that, due to the fact that she had not been present at the meeting where Planning Application 17/00535/DETAIL was previously before the Committee she would not participate. Councillor Heaney therefore withdrew from the meeting whilst the Committee deliberated on the Application and reached its decision.


Members recalled that this application had been considered by the Committee at its meeting held on 6 June 2018. At that meeting Members had deferred the application following concerns that the juxtaposition of the proposed dwelling houses with the countryside had not properly addressed the perceived need to soften the transition from countryside to built development, it being considered that this could be achieved by introducing a lower rise (bungalow) development to the most visible parts of the site periphery. It was also considered that a small element of retail should be introduced into the scheme to afford future residents local shopping opportunity.


The Committee had before it the published Officer report containing the key planning issues, relevant planning policies, planning history, any response from consultees, written representations received and a recommendation of approval.


At the meeting, an oral presentation was made by the Council’s Planning Manager (GN) in respect of the application.


An update sheet was circulated to the Committee prior to the meeting with details of an amendment to the proposed conditions.


Following discussion by the Committee, it was moved by Councillor Alexander, seconded by Councillor Everett and unanimously RESOLVED that the Head of Planning (or equivalent authorised officer) be authorised to grant approval of Phase 1 reserved matters in respect of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for detailed planning permission for 96 residential units and 162 sqm A2 floorspace subject to conditions as set out below.


All other planning conditions are to remain unchanged from the original outline planning permission as amended/superseded by planning permission 17/01537/OUT for Variation of Condition 4 of 15/00761/OUT as well as the completed Section 106 legal agreement to secure education contributions, affordable housing, open space and open space maintenance contribution, healthcare contributions and contributions towards highway improvements to the crossing at Manningtree Station.




1. Development in accordance with outline permission except as modified by this permission.

2. Development to be in accordance with the approved plans.

3. Site levels.

4. Estate Roads and Footway details to be submitted and approved.

5. Estate Roads and Footways implementation and management.

6. Vehicular access to dwellings to be constructed prior to occupation.

7. No loose surfacing to parking areas, shared vehicular courts or vehicular accesses.

8. Landscaping (Hard and Soft) details and Open Space to include ‘The Green’ and Village Square’ details to be submitted and approved.

9. Landscaping (Hard and soft) and Open Space to include ‘The Green’ and ‘Village Square’ implementation, management and retention.

10. Lighting details to be submitted and approved.

11. Removal of PD Rights.

12. Obscure glazing to flank wall windows of House Type ‘4’.

13. A2 Marketing suite to revert to A1 use upon completion of phase 1.




Supporting documents: