Agenda item

To inform Cabinet of the outcome of formal consultations in relation to the proposed closure of the Spendells and Honeycroft sheltered housing schemes and seek agreement to close the schemes.




(a)    that Cabinet notes:


(1)     that the statutory formal consultation on closure of the schemes has been undertaken and that there have not been any objections to closure from residents; and


(2)     that the Spendells and Honeycroft Sheltered Housing schemes have proven to be unpopular for several years due to their shared facilities and dated design and that it is economically unviable for the Housing Revenue Account to continually subsidise the on-going and increasing revenue loss of rental income at the schemes.


(b)     that Cabinet agrees that:


(1)     the Corporate Director (Operational Services) be authorised to close the schemes and to make the necessary arrangements to secure alternative accommodation for affected residents;


(2)     the Corporate Director (Operational Services) be also authorised to make the necessary site security arrangements and “mothball” both buildings until a decision on their future is made; and


(3)     further work be undertaken by Officers, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing, to explore the future use of both sites after detailed financial modelling within the Housing Revenue Account. Further that any consultation on proposed future options will include Frinton and Walton Town Council and Lawford Parish Council.



Councillor Bucke had earlier declared an interest in this item insofar as he was a member of Frinton and Walton Town Council and that Council had an interest in the consultation.


There was submitted a detailed report and appendices by the Portfolio Holder for Housing (A.2), which informed Cabinet of the outcome of formal consultations in relation to the proposed closure of the Spendells and Honeycroft sheltered housing schemes and sought its agreement to close those schemes.


Further to Minute 108 (10.11.17), a statutory formal consultation with residents and with the respective Ward Members and the relevant Parish and Town Councils had been undertaken in respect of the proposed closure of two Sheltered Housing Schemes; Spendells House and Honeycroft.


It was reported that the consultation responses had indicated that there was an acceptance that both schemes were no longer viable or fit for purpose and that there was support from residents for closing them. Further detailed viability work had been undertaken considering the level of occupancy at both schemes and costs associated with running them, the outcome of which supported the proposals to close them.


Therefore, it was being proposed by the Portfolio Holder for Housing that the Spendells House and Honeycroft (not including the 8 bungalows) schemes should be closed which would provide estimated annual savings to the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) of £0.139 million.  Options in respect of the future for each site would be brought back to Cabinet once fully evaluated.


Cabinet was advised that securing those savings would be subject to the options around the longer term future of the sites which were planned to be presented to Members in the not too distant future. In this interim period there would be costs to maintain the properties albeit in a fully vacated state, but the cost would be lower by £0.003 million per month in this interim period compared to recent average occupancy.


Having considered the report and related appendices, it was moved by Councillor P B Honeywood, seconded by Councillor McWilliams, and RESOLVED:


(a)    that Cabinet notes:


(1)     that the statutory formal consultation on closure of the schemes has been undertaken and that there have not been any objections to closure from residents; and


(2)     that the Spendells and Honeycroft Sheltered Housing schemes have proven to be unpopular for several years due to their shared facilities and dated design and that it is economically unviable for the Housing Revenue Account to continually subsidise the on-going and increasing revenue loss of rental income at the schemes.


(b)     that Cabinet agrees that:


(1)     the Corporate Director (Operational Services) be authorised to close the schemes and to make the necessary arrangements to secure alternative accommodation for affected residents;


(2)     the Corporate Director (Operational Services) be also authorised to make the necessary site security arrangements and “mothball” both buildings until a decision on their future is made; and


(3)     further work be undertaken by Officers, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing, to explore the future use of both sites after detailed financial modelling within the Housing Revenue Account. Further that any consultation on proposed future options will include Frinton and Walton Town Council and Lawford Parish Council.


Supporting documents: