Agenda item

a)         To seek adoption of the Public Convenience Strategy for Tendring;

b)         Adopt proposals for the rationalisation and improvement of existing provision; and

c)         Delegate further details to officers to facilitate the delivery of the foregoing.


That Cabinet notes the contents of the report and –


(a)     adopts the Public Convenience Strategy for Tendring, as attached as Appendix A to the report;


(b)     agrees the rationalisation of existing public convenience provision, as outlined in Appendix B to the report, including the demolition of identified buildings as well as selective refurbishment work of identified assets amounting to £0.070m as included in the 2017/2018 Capital Programme;

(c)     delegates authority to the Corporate Director (Operational Services) to undertake the necessary activities to facilitate and implement the proposals for rationalisation as outlined in Appendix B;


(d)     agrees that the Property Dealing Procedure be initiated for all other facilities identified for closure in line with existing policies;


(e)     that subject to (d) above, Cabinet notes that further reports may be brought forward to consider  further refurbishment of remaining facilities in accordance with the Strategy;


(f)       agrees to introduce charging at the Rosemary Road, Clacton-on-Sea facility with the associated refurbishment work of up to £0.070m to be included in the Capital programme for 2017/18 funded from the Public Convenience Earmarked Reserve;


(g)     that subject to (f), delegates authority to the Corporate Director (Operational Services) to undertake the necessary activities to facilitate the refurbishment and introduction of charging at the Rosemary Road, Clacton-on-Sea facility including the level of charge to be on levied on the reopening of the site to reflect demand and the need to maximise income opportunities;


(h)     delegates authority to the Portfolio Holder for Commercialisation, Seafronts and Parking, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the Corporate Director (Operational Services) to:


·     close further public conveniences that do not meet the agreed strategic objectives such as may be highlighted through low usage, disrepair due to ageing infrastructure or anti-social behaviour;

·     review opening hours of facilities as a means of reducing the impact of crime and to support service budgets;

·     in addition to the Rosemary Road, Clacton-on-Sea Public Convenience, agree which further sites may charge including the fee charged and period of charging (such fees and charges will become incorporated within the Council’s budgetary and reporting cycle);

·     select which sites are prioritised for major refurbishment;

·     enter into agreements with Town / Parish Councils, other groups or commercial organisations, where appropriate, in relation to the ongoing operation and / or maintenance of public conveniences; and

·     seek out and implement, where necessary, works to support other income streams from sponsorship, advertising and other sources.


(i)       notes the receipt of the petition submitted by Mr Dan Casey, a resident of Jaywick, objecting to the proposed closure of the public conveniences at Garden Road, Jaywick;


(j)       notes the history of the High Lighthouse Harwich Public Conveniences reported to the meeting by Councillor I J Henderson; and


(k)     instructs Officers to undertake discussions with local residents and any other interested parties as to the possible transfer of the public conveniences at Garden Road, Jaywick.



There was submitted a report by the Portfolio Holder for Commercialisation, Seafronts and Parking (Report A.3), which sought Cabinet’s decision on -


a)    whether to adopt the Public Convenience Strategy for Tendring;

b)    whether to adopt proposals for the rationalisation and improvement of existing provision; and

 c)   whether to delegate further details to Officers to facilitate the delivery of the foregoing.


It was reported that the overall vision of the Public Convenience Strategy for Tendring was to provide -


“Accessible, safe, high quality public conveniences for residents and visitors alike.”


Members were informed that the Strategy set out to deliver options for future service provision that supported:


  • a thriving local tourism sector
  • town centres and businesses
  • healthy and active lifestyles of residents and particularly the most vulnerable
  • crime reduction initiatives.


Cabinet was aware that a comprehensive review of existing public conveniences had been carried out by the Commercialisation Portfolio Holder’s Working Party in October 2016. The recommendations of that working party support the Council’s vision for community leadership and the proposed rationalisation of existing service provision would help secure future service improvements as outlined in the Public Convenience Strategy.


The working party’s investigations and recommendations included suggestions previously put forward by other Council Committees, including the Service Development and Delivery Committee and the Corporate Management Committee.


Cabinet was informed that recommendations put forward in the report sought to:


·         adopt a strategy for public conveniences in Tendring (Appendix A of the report);

·         introduce the principle of charging for public conveniences as a basis for reinvesting in public conveniences;

·         reduce annual revenue budgets by the agreed closure of facilities as listed in Appendix B of the report; and

·         to gain further capital investment for the improvement of remaining facilities.


Cabinet was further advised that the proposals and recommendations in the report, if agreed, would deliver:


  • £60,000 budget saving in 2017/ 2018 and £100,000 from 2019/2020 onwards;
  • additional future income to the Council and additional savings over the longer term;
  • a strategic approach to service provision that would support corporate priorities; and
  • establish principles which could be used in considering the provision of facilities across the District as may be required given future budget pressures.


With the permission of the Leader, Mr Dan Casey, a resident of Jaywick, presented a petition objecting to the proposed closure of the public conveniences at Garden Road, Jaywick


Having considered the information submitted and the advice of Officers contained within the report:


It was moved by Councillor Turner, seconded by Councillor G V Guglielmi and:


RESOLVED - that Cabinet notes the contents of the report and –


(a)    adopts the Public Convenience Strategy for Tendring, as attached as Appendix A to the report;


(b)    agrees the rationalisation of existing public convenience provision, as outlined in Appendix B to the report, including the demolition of identified buildings as well as selective refurbishment work of identified assets amounting to £0.070m as included in the 2017/2018 Capital Programme;

(c)    delegates authority to the Corporate Director (Operational Services) to undertake the necessary activities to facilitate and implement the proposals for rationalisation as outlined in Appendix B;


(d)    agrees that the Property Dealing Procedure be initiated for all other facilities identified for closure in line with existing policies;


(e)    that subject to (d) above, Cabinet notes that further reports may be brought forward to consider  further refurbishment of remaining facilities in accordance with the Strategy;


(f)     agrees to introduce charging at the Rosemary Road, Clacton-on-Sea facility with the associated refurbishment work of up to £0.070m to be included in the Capital programme for 2017/18 funded from the Public Convenience Earmarked Reserve;


(g)    that subject to (f), delegates authority to the Corporate Director (Operational Services) to undertake the necessary activities to facilitate the refurbishment and introduction of charging at the Rosemary Road, Clacton-on-Sea facility including the level of charge to be on levied on the reopening of the site to reflect demand and the need to maximise income opportunities;


(h)    delegates authority to the Portfolio Holder for Commercialisation, Seafronts and Parking, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the Corporate Director (Operational Services) to:


·      close further public conveniences that do not meet the agreed strategic objectives such as may be highlighted through low usage, disrepair due to ageing infrastructure or anti-social behaviour;

·      review opening hours of facilities as a means of reducing the impact of crime and to support service budgets;

·      in addition to the Rosemary Road, Clacton-on-Sea Public Convenience, agree which further sites may charge including the fee charged and period of charging (such fees and charges will become incorporated within the Council’s budgetary and reporting cycle);

·      select which sites are prioritised for major refurbishment;

·      enter into agreements with Town / Parish Councils, other groups or commercial organisations, where appropriate, in relation to the ongoing operation and / or maintenance of public conveniences; and

·      seek out and implement, where necessary, works to support other income streams from sponsorship, advertising and other sources.


(i)      notes the receipt of the petition submitted by Mr Dan Casey, a resident of Jaywick, objecting to the proposed closure of the public conveniences at Garden Road, Jaywick;


(j)      notes the history of the High Lighthouse Harwich Public Conveniences reported to the meeting by Councillor I J Henderson; and


(k)      instructs Officers to undertake discussions with local residents and any other interested parties as to the possible transfer of the public conveniences at Garden Road, Jaywick.

Supporting documents: