Agenda item

To update Cabinet on progress on the Community Regeneration Partnership programme and recommend Cabinet agree the high-level strategic approach and scope of the remaining projects aimed at place-based regeneration in Clacton and Jaywick and make delegations for the responsibility for the approach to delivery, and oversight thereof.


RESOLVED that Cabinet -


(a)   approves the scope and details of the ‘second’ and ‘third’ wave projects set out in Table 2 of this report (A.7) for implementation and that the following delegations are based upon the information as set out in Table 2;


(b)   authorises the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration and Tourism in consultation with:


(i)    the Portfolio Holder for Portfolio Holder for Leisure & Public Realm, to approve the detailed brief and procurement strategy through to contract award for delivery for the Public Open Spaces in Jaywick project (Ten_09);


(ii)   the Portfolio Holder for Assets & Community Safety, to agree the procurement strategy through to contract award for delivery of the Martello Tower E project (Ten_11);


(iii)  the Portfolio Holder for Leisure & Public Realm, to proceed to agree the procurement strategy through to award of contract for the Active Wellbeing Centre Phase 1 project, incorporating urgent repairs (Ten_12);


(iv)  the Portfolio Holder for Arts, Culture & Heritage, to approve the detailed brief and procurement strategy through to award of contract for delivery of the Spatial Plan for Culture project (Ten_14);


(v)   the Portfolio Holder for Leisure & Public Realm, to approve the detailed brief and procurement strategy through to award of main building contract(s) for the Active Wellbeing Centre Phase 1 project subject to the outcome of a formal procurement process;


(vi)  for the Sunspot Solar Panels project (Ten_04) authority is delegated to the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration and Tourism to agree the procurement strategy through to award of contract for completion of the project;


(c)   requests the procurement strategy for each of the projects to specify the relevant Social Value Themes, Outcomes and Measures in accordance with the Council’s adopted policy;


(d)   accepts the £60,000 grant received from the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government LUF Capacity and Capability fund and allocates the sum in full to the budget established for the Project Delivery Unit;


(e)   approves that the Regeneration Capital Delivery Board (RCDB) be formally established as the programme governance board with authority for the Community Regeneration Partnership and authorises the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, Economic Growth and Tourism to approve the final terms of reference of the RCDB, to include:


-  that the RCDB shall coordinate and oversee the work of Project Boards formed for each Project;

-   that the RCDB shall oversee and approve terms of reference of the Project Boards;

-   that the RCDB shall report directly to the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration and Tourism by way of a report by the Corporate Director (Place & Economy); and


(f)    approves that with the robust project management principles being established and delivered against, constitutional Portfolio Holder responsibilities and corporate oversight through the Regeneration Capital Delivery Board, each project can progress without reference back to Cabinet, unless the details of the individual scopes are proposed to be altered or timescales for delivery are at risk of being contrary to the MOU with MHCLG.



Cabinet considered a detailed report of the Economic Growth, Regeneration & Tourism Portfolio Holder (A.7) which updated Cabinet on progress on the Community Regeneration Partnership programme and recommended that Cabinet agree the high-level strategic approach and scope of the remaining projects aimed at place-based regeneration in Clacton and Jaywick and make delegations for the responsibility for the approach to delivery, and oversight thereof.


It was reported that the programme included 15 projects, identified by civil servants through a ‘Deep Dive’ process in January 2024. This Portfolio Holder report (A.7) delivered on the commitment made to Cabinet in December 2024 to bring a future report to Cabinet setting out the scope and details of the second and third waves.


Members were informed that the 15 projects had been grouped into:-


(1)    four thematic clusters, relating to common geography and outcomes in the context of past vision and regeneration work by the Council; and


(2)    four ‘waves’, relating to the timelines attached to each project for scoping and delivery. The first and fourth waves had been approved by Cabinet in December 2024, which included delegation to enter an appropriate funding agreement with the identified delivery partners.


Cabinet was made aware that a formal Project Initiation Document (PID) was under development for all projects under the CRP2 programme, as the first step of establishing best practice project management protocols. The PIDs expanded on the information provided within this report (A.7) and would follow an approval process including Project Board and Programme Board at Officer level, including senior management, and by the relevant Portfolio Holder. Those PIDs would provide the basis for monthly Highlight Reports throughout the project trajectory through to delivery and close-out.


In order to capitalise on the Government’s funding opportunity to address key socio-economic challenges in Clacton-on-Sea and Jaywick Sands, improve local infrastructure, enhance community services, and contribute to the long-term regeneration of the area and recognising that this was a once in a decade opportunity for Tendring to deploy investment on this scale, in addition to other Government funding, to be benefit of Clacton-on-Sea and Jaywick Sands:-


It was moved by Councillor I J Henderson, seconded by Councillor Scott and:-


RESOLVED that Cabinet -


(a)   approves the scope and details of the ‘second’ and ‘third’ wave projects set out in Table 2 of this report (A.7) for implementation and that the following delegations are based upon the information as set out in Table 2;


(b)   authorises the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration and Tourism in consultation with:


(i)    the Portfolio Holder for Portfolio Holder for Leisure & Public Realm, to approve the detailed brief and procurement strategy through to contract award for delivery for the Public Open Spaces in Jaywick project (Ten_09);


(ii)   the Portfolio Holder for Assets & Community Safety, to agree the procurement strategy through to contract award for delivery of the Martello Tower E project (Ten_11);


(iii)   the Portfolio Holder for Leisure & Public Realm, to proceed to agree the procurement strategy through to award of contract for the Active Wellbeing Centre Phase 1 project, incorporating urgent repairs (Ten_12);


(iv)  the Portfolio Holder for Arts, Culture & Heritage, to approve the detailed brief and procurement strategy through to award of contract for delivery of the Spatial Plan for Culture project (Ten_14);


(v)   the Portfolio Holder for Leisure & Public Realm, to approve the detailed brief and procurement strategy through to award of main building contract(s) for the Active Wellbeing Centre Phase 1 project subject to the outcome of a formal procurement process;


(vi)  for the Sunspot Solar Panels project (Ten_04) authority is delegated to the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration and Tourism to agree the procurement strategy through to award of contract for completion of the project;


(c)   requests the procurement strategy for each of the projects to specify the relevant Social Value Themes, Outcomes and Measures in accordance with the Council’s adopted policy;


(d)   accepts the £60,000 grant received from the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government LUF Capacity and Capability fund and allocates the sum in full to the budget established for the Project Delivery Unit;


(e)   approves that the Regeneration Capital Delivery Board (RCDB) be formally established as the programme governance board with authority for the Community Regeneration Partnership and authorises the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, Economic Growth and Tourism to approve the final terms of reference of the RCDB, to include:


-    that the RCDB shall coordinate and oversee the work of Project Boards formed for each Project;

-    that the RCDB shall oversee and approve terms of reference of the Project Boards;

-    that the RCDB shall report directly to the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration and Tourism by way of a report by the Corporate Director (Place & Economy); and


(f)   approves that with the robust project management principles being established and delivered against, constitutional Portfolio Holder responsibilities and corporate oversight through the Regeneration Capital Delivery Board, each project can progress without reference back to Cabinet, unless the details of the individual scopes are proposed to be altered or timescales for delivery are at risk of being contrary to the MOU with MHCLG.


Supporting documents: