Agenda item

To endorse the proposal that the consultation response to the Government’s Greater Essex Devolution Consultation be undertaken by the Leader of the Council, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration and Tourism (Deputy Leader). The response on behalf of Tendring District Council could either be standalone or form part of an Essex-wide response to go forward as part of the open consultation which closes on 13 April 2025.


RESOLVED that Cabinet –


(a)     acknowledges work is continuing to ensure that the District of Tendring is in the best possible position should devolution go ahead; and


(b)   endorses the Leader of the Council approving the Council’s response to the Essex Devolution Consultation, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, Regeneration and Tourism.



Cabinet considered a report of the Economic Growth, Regeneration & Tourism Portfolio Holder (A.6) which asked Cabinet to endorse the proposal that the consultation response to the Government’s Greater Essex Devolution Consultation be undertaken by the Leader of the Council, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, Regeneration and Tourism (Deputy Leader). The response on behalf of Tendring District Council could either be standalone or form part of an Essex-wide response to go forward as part of the open consultation which closed on 13 April 2025. 


Members were aware that the Government had accepted Greater Essex onto the ‘Devolution Priority Programme’, but before taking a decision on whether to proceed to make the necessary legislation to enact devolution in Essex, the Government had launched a consultation seeking views from interested parties on a proposal to form a Mayoral Combined County Authority. The text of the consultation and its questions was included as Appendix A to the Portfolio Holder’s report (A.6) and was open until 13 April 2025.


The consultation sought views from those who lived and worked across Greater Essex on the effect of establishing a Mayoral Combined County Authority in the area and included questions on the proposed geography and how the Mayoral Combined County Authority would make decisions.


It was reported that Combined County Authorities were organisations made up of a group of councils who came together over larger areas that people recognised and worked in. They allowed councils to work together in a structured way and to take decisions over a wider area footprint, with powers and responsibilities being held by that Combined County Authority. Combined County Authorities did not replace the councils within the area delivering services, those would continue to be provided by the relevant council.


Cabinet was informed that a Combined County Authority could be led by a directly elected Mayor. This was then known as a Mayoral Combined County Authority. The Government’s consultation stated: “it is supportive of places having Mayors because they have a mandate to take big decisions affecting more people, they have convening power to tackle shared problems, and they are accountable to the local electorate for the decisions they take. Mayors in other parts of the country have become vital local leaders, delivering on the promise of change in their area to drive growth, more joined-up delivery, and earning trust.”


Members were cognisant that Essex had an ‘upper-tier’ Essex County Council and ‘lower-tier’ district, borough and city councils – with responsibility for local services split between the two tiers. In addition, there were the two unitary councils of Southend and Thurrock. The Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 had introduced Combined County Authorities consisting of upper tier local councils only - so in Greater Essex: Essex County Council (ECC), Southend and Thurrock. As a district council, Tendring District Council could not be a full constituent member of the Combined County Authority but it could participate as a non-constituent member and serve on committees.


Cabinet was advised that Greater Essex Combined County Authority’s constituent members (ECC, Southend, Thurrock Councils and the Mayor) would be able to appoint a maximum of seven non-constituent and associate members to support the delivery of their work programme.


Non-constituent members were representatives of an organisation; for example, a district council, local NHS trust, the Police and Crime Commissioner, or a local registered housing provider. Non-constituent members could be given voting rights, at the discretion of the Combined County Authority (see below).


Associate members were named individuals who could provide particular experience or expertise – for example, on active travel, or local businesses. Associate members could not have voting rights (see below).


The Combined County Authority’s constituent members (the Mayor and seven constituent council members) would be the decision makers within the Combined County Authority. Constituent members would automatically have voting rights. Non-constituent members could be given voting rights at the discretion of the Combined County Authority; associate members could not be given voting rights. All members would have a single vote. The default voting arrangement for Combined County Authority decisions to be approved would be a simple majority in favour, including the Mayor (i.e. 5 out of 8).


Mayoral Combined County Authority summary, as proposed by the Government consultation, with Mayoral elections in May 2026:



ECC – 3 members

Southend – 2 members

Thurrock – 2 members


Eight members with one vote each. Majority for decisions, five votes. Seven additional members - either non-constituent (organisational) or associate (individual) - could be appointed to the authority. Non-constituent (organisational) members could be given voting rights at the discretion of the combined authority.


Cabinet was made aware that the Mayoral Combined County Authority would change should local government reorganisation take place. The new unitaries would replace Essex County, Southend and Thurrock Councils as constituent members, alongside the Mayor and legally, it would become a Combined Authority. This change did not affect the functions, powers or funding available to the area. The governance and decision-making arrangements within the Combined Authority would then be updated to reflect any changes needed.


Members were aware that local authorities in Greater Essex were discussing how best to progress Devolution and respond to the consultation. There was an ambition to submit one response from Greater Essex councils, which were supportive of devolution and positive about the benefits it could bring to transport and local infrastructure, skills and employment support, housing and strategic planning, economic development and regeneration, environment and climate change, health, wellbeing and public service reform, and public safety. The response would also support the establishment of a Mayor in Greater Essex. The consultation response would come to a view on the number of members from each Upper Tier authority on the Combined Authority and the voting rights of districts.


Recognising that it was important to focus on the residents of Tendring District as the District Council engaged with partners on Devolution and that whilst the Council was not a Decision maker on devolution, it should advocate to put local residents and businesses in the best place possible as the Strategic Authority was planned and further noting that the Leader and Deputy Leader exercising their responsibilities on behalf of Cabinet would allow for the District Council to sign off the response at the appropriate time either alone or alongside other local authority partners before the deadline on 13 April 2025:-


It was therefore moved by Councillor I J Henderson, seconded by Councillor M E Stephenson and:-


RESOLVED that Cabinet –


(a)    acknowledges work is continuing to ensure that the District of Tendring is in the best possible position should devolution go ahead; and


(b)   endorses the Leader of the Council approving the Council’s response to the Essex Devolution Consultation, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, Regeneration and Tourism.


Supporting documents: