Agenda item
The Council is asked to note any statements made by Members of the Cabinet (Portfolio Holders).
Councillors may then ask questions of the Portfolio Holders on their statements.
Councillor Kotz, Portfolio Holder for Assets and Community Safety
“Members in this Chamber will be aware that the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex announced recently that due to budgetary pressures and an announced shortfall of £5.3million that he was proposing to cut the Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) posts across the County.
The Police have been effective at reducing crime across Essex and the PCSOs have been integral to that ongoing reduction.
At the Cabinet meeting on 31 January, it was suggested that the Council write to the Commissioner of our concern of the loss of our PCSOs and how important they are in keeping our community safe.
Later that same day the Government announced £100million of extra funding for policing nationally and Essex’s share of this funding is £2.3miilion. Subsequently, the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex has said that this extra funding along with other measures will help bridge the shortfall.
A new budget has been put in place which is designed to retain PCSOs in Essex. I invite Members to note the 5.66% council tax precept increase, which equates to £13.95 million per year, put forward by the PFCC and that this along with the extra funding from Government means that PCSOs across Essex and importantly in Tendring will be retained alongside maintaining other provision.
The use of the Neighbourhood Policing Guarantee funding still needs to be approved by the Home Office and there is some confidence that the requirements attached to this funding will be met.
Pay constitutes 81% of the Police budget and there are some cuts proposed to staffing of non-critical roles and also to allowances. However, there will be no backfilling by front line Officers to cover any vacancies which occur.
Members will no doubt support the proposal to retain the PCSOs in Tendring who play a crucial role engaging with residents and the public, undertaking reassurance patrols and vulnerability visits. Their support at community events helps the smooth running of activities in the District for the benefit of our population and visitors. They are invaluable in supporting the Council’s Community Ambassadors and Anti-Social Behaviour Officers.”
Councillor Kotz then responded to questions and points put to him by Councillors Platt, Harris and Turner.
Councillor Placey, Portfolio Holder for Partnerships
Councillor Placey reminded Members that the 9th Tendring Youth Awards were now open to nominations. Those awards spotlighted amazing accomplishments by young individuals in the age range of 5 – 21 years who lived, studied or worked in the District. Award categories covered included ‘Young Lifesaver’; ‘Community Improvement’; ‘Environment Initiative’; and the ‘Unsung Hero’ for adults who supported young people. The categories recognised achievements in academics, inspirational caring, community work, and environmental efforts etc. Nominations could be for an individual or for a group and anybody could submit a nomination. Details were on the Council’s website.
Councillor Placey also sought volunteers to join the committee for the Tendring Youth Awards at its AGM which would be held at the Town Hall on Tuesday 25 February at 5.30 p.m. It would be an opportunity for people to learn more about the Awards and how to get involved.