Agenda item
To present to the Committee a draft detailed Work Programme 2024/25, to consider the detail and ordering of the Work Programme.
The Committee considered a report of the Head of Democratic Services & Elections which provided it with an update on its approved Work Programme for 2024/25 (including progress with enquiries set out in its Work Programme), feedback to the Committee on the decisions in respect of previous recommendations from the Committee in respects of enquiries undertaken and a list of forthcoming decisions for which public notice had been given.
Members were reminded that the Council had commissioned the Centre for Governance and Scrutiny (CfGS) to undertake an ‘Overview & Scrutiny Development Review’ in 2021 as a way of further improving that function at the Council. Two relevant recommendations arising from that review had been:
“Further strengthening the annual process for developing work programmes for each O&S committee - Engaging Members, Officers, partners and the public to prioritise the topics for review. This could include a selection criterion to identify appropriate topics for the work programme. Currently the work programme is also the last item on the agenda at O&S meetings, we would recommend bringing it to the beginning, so it can be given greater priority and benefit from more considered discussion, rather than being subject to the inevitable end of meeting fatigue.
Reviewing how the recommendations are made and how impact is measured – This could include putting the ‘recommendations monitoring report’ at the beginning of agendas to orientate O&S towards outcomes-focused meetings, alongside an emphasis on finding strong recommendations from questioning to present to Cabinet (or partners) as improvement or challenge proposals.”
The inclusion of the matters set out in the “purpose of the report” section of the Head of Democratic Services & Elections’ report sought to further re-enforce the inter-relationship of the matters referred to. As such, it was designed to further support consideration of work programming of the Committee and contribute to addressing progress with the Corporate Plan.
The detailed matters relating to the following matters were set out in the relevant Appendix identified:
(1) Work Programme for 2024/25 approved by Full Council on 6 August 2024 (Appendix A);
(2) feedback to the Committee on the decisions in respect of previous recommendations from the Committee in respects of enquiries undertaken (none on this occasion); and
(3) a list of forthcoming decisions for which notice had been given since publication of the agenda for the Committee’s last meeting (Appendix B).
In considering work programming matters, the Committee was further reminded of the other recommendations from the CfGS review undertaken in 2021 namely:
“Considering greater use of task and finish groups – This more informal type of O&S can allow improved cross-party working and detailed investigation of a single issue focussed on producing substantive recommendations.
Improved agenda planning and management - Committees should focus on one or two substantive items per agenda to allow for cross-cutting themes to be properly identified and explored, and different insights brought to bear on critical issues.
Considering how to engage the public in the work of O&S - This could include O&S going on more site visits in the community, inviting the public to offer ideas for work programmes, and greater use of social media channels for resident input and communicating the progress and impact of scrutiny work.
A clearer focus on democratic accountability - Scrutiny of Cabinet Members should form a key part of the work programme, providing an opportunity to hold the Leader and portfolio holders to account for delivery of the corporate plan and any other issues O&S feel is important.”
Also pertinent to the Committee’s considerations were its terms of reference as set out in Article 6.01(i) of the Council’s Constitution together with the provisions of Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rule 7 (Work Programme) and the themes of the Council’s Corporate Plan which were:-
· Pride in our area and services to residents
· Raising aspirations and creating opportunities
· Championing our local environment
· Working with partners to improve quality of life
· Promoting our heritage offer, attracting visitors and encouraging them to stay longer
· Financial Sustainability and openness
Members noted that the Committee had held an informal meeting on Thursday 9 January 2025, during which the attendees had received a very informative presentation from Dr. Emily Murray of the Centre for Coastal Communities (University of Essex). A Member suggested that Dr. Murray be invited to attend a future formal meeting of the Committee and the Head of Democratic Services & Elections undertook to add that as a provisional item on the Committee’s 2025/26 Work Programme.
Members also received or would shortly receive an update of the work of the Task & Finish Groups established by the Committee, namely:
- Crime and Disorder (Familial Violence/Abuse);
- Joint working with Parish and Town Councils; and
- Youth Provision for School Age Children outside of school.
It was RESOLVED that –
(a) the progress with enquiries set out in its Work Programme 2024/25, plus any feedback to the Committee on the decisions in respect of previous recommendations and the list of forthcoming decisions be noted; and
(b) the updates of the work of the Committee’s Task and Finish Groups be formally received and noted.
Supporting documents:
- A.1 Report - Work Programme, item 11. PDF 236 KB
- A.1 Appendix A - CLOSC Work Programme, item 11. PDF 245 KB
- A.1 Appendix B Recommendations Monitoring Report, item 11. PDF 137 KB
- A.1 Appendix C - Scrutiny of Proposed Decisions, item 11. PDF 136 KB