Agenda item
The Cabinet is asked to note any announcements made by Members of the Cabinet.
IED Award for the Sunspot project at Jaywick Sands
The Economic Growth, Regeneration & Tourism Portfolio Holder (Councillor I J Henderson) made the following announcement:-
“I attended the Institute of Economic Development’s (IED) Annual Conference and Awards held on 6 November 2024, accompanied by the Corporate Director (Place & Economy) & Deputy Chief Executive (Lee Heley) and the Economic Growth & Enterprise Manager (Barbara Pole). The IED is the UK’s leading independent professional body representing economic development and regeneration practitioners working for local and regional communities.
During the day, there were a number of inspirational and informative talks which included some real insight into what other Authorities and organisations feel about the future of economic development and how we can tackle some of the challenges we are already facing and those that could be coming our way over the next few years.
At the Award Dinner we were announced as winners of the Social Champion of the Year for the Sunspot, Jaywick Sands project. IED said:-
‘The judges highlighted the positive impact of this impressive project on the local community, and noted it effectively met community needs, resulting in improved perceptions, high occupancy rates, and business expansions. The initiative is recognised for addressing deprivation through collaboration, fostering hope and aspiration, and the submission demonstrated a pragmatic approach to overcoming local challenges, showcasing strong leadership. It has generated significant economic, social and environmental benefits, emphasising the close knit community in the area’.”
Councillor Henderson also paid tribute to the enthusiasm, personal pride and dedicated hard work that Barbara Pole had displayed in bringing this project to a successful conclusion. Members present showed their appreciation for Barbara with a round of applause.
Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy
The Partnerships Portfolio Holder (Councillor Placey) made the following announcement:-
“At its meeting on 21st October 2024, Cabinet formally received and noted the Monitoring Officer’s report issued under Section 5A of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 in respect of the position in relation to this Council’s historic omission regarding the formulation and implementation of a Crime and Disorder Strategy for the Council, as required under Sections 5 and of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998.
I am providing an update as per recommendation (c) of that report, namely the proposed actions and timescales to resolve the historical omission to approve the Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy at Full Council.
The timescale to address the above issue is as follows:-
November 2024 – To carry out a strategic assessment and to produce a draft assessment document.
December 2024 – To produce a draft Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy.
January 2025 – To submit a draft report and Strategy to the Council’s Management Team for its review.
February 2025 – The final Crime and Disorder Reduction report and Strategy to be submitted to Cabinet for its consideration.
March 2025 – The Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy to be submitted to Full Council for its approval and formal adoption.
I would like to reassure Members that the Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy will, in future, go to Full Council for approval. I would also like to assure Members that the failure to do so previously has not prevented the work we carry out with our partners from being progressed.
In addition to the statutory partners of Tendring District Council, Essex Police, Essex Fire & Rescue Service, the Probation Service and the North East Essex Integrated Care Board, the Community Safety Partnership also includes Community Voluntary Services Tendring and Citizens’ Advice Tendring together with a number of other agencies.
This Partnership has delivered a number of projects, and if you bear with me, I will give some examples.
CARA (Centre for Action on Rape and Abuse) – is a support service for victims and survivors of sexual violence and child sexual abuse.
In 2023, 365 referrals from Tendring residents were received which included 58 young people aged 13 to 17 and 20 under the age of 12. CARA’s services to clients include an ISVA (Independent Sexual Violence Advisor) who supports them through the criminal justice system and provides advocacy and emotional support. Our CSP funding, in line with Safer Essex, supported 200 therapy sessions.
Essex Police – Operation Esplanade
Operation Esplanade is a joint operation with Police and TDC Officers undertaking patrols in the peak summer holiday period, with the aim of tackling ASB and street drinking in Clacton Town Centre.
In 2023, (the then Operation Gingerbread), Essex Police and TDC completed 250 hours of dedicated foot patrols in Clacton Town Centre and during this time the PSPO powers were used over 40 times along with several arrests. 25 incidents of disorderly behaviour were attended to and 10 intelligence reports were made in relation to illegal drugs.
In 2024 (as Operation Esplanade), there have been over 200 hours of dedicated foot patrols in Clacton Town Centre at peak times every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Powers under the PSPO have been used over 44 times during this period. This involved dispersing street drinkers, removing their alcohol and dealing with low level ASB incidents.
10 arrests were made in relation to public disorder and shoplifting.
20 Police intelligence reports were submitted and 12 stop and searches were undertaken.
During these periods over the last two years there has been a 65% reduction in ASB incidents reported in Clacton Town Centre.
Ask for Angela
This initiative aims to support individuals in ‘Night Time Economy’ venues who feel that they are being harassed, followed or receiving unwanted attention, by providing a safe phrase to use i.e. “Ask for Angela” that informs the venue that they would like help/support.
This is achieved by providing training to Night Time Economy venues to ensure that they understand what appropriate assistance is when someone feels like they are being harassed and they “Ask for Angela”. Training has been provided to all pubs and clubs in Clacton on how to respond appropriately if someone “Asks for Angela” ensuring that the venue’s staff will then be able to assist the individual and take them out the situation and to help them leave the establishment safely.
I look forward to bringing our Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy to Full Council next year.”
Tendring Junior Ambassador Project – Celebration Event
The Partnerships Portfolio Holder informed Cabinet that she had been thoroughly delighted and enthused to attend the recent celebration event held for the Tendring Junior Ambassador Project. Among the many highlights had been:-
Walton Primary – Chinese Poetry and signs of the zodiacs;
Chase Lane Primary – Songs from Lion King;
Kirby Primary Academy & Tendring Primary – Bollywood Dance; and
Brightlingsea Primary – African Songs.
Children in Need
The Partnerships Portfolio Holder reminded everyone that today was Children in Need Day.