Agenda item

To report a petition received in accordance with the Scheme approved by the Council, together with the decision made by the Cabinet in relation to that petition.


In accordance with the Council’s approved scheme for dealing with petitions, the Chief Executive formally reported the receipt of a petition submitted by Danny Sloggett, as lead petitioner on behalf of the Jaywick Sands Happy Club. That petition had contained 86 names and addresses that were legible and those persons were on the electoral register. The petition had requested that public conveniences be provided in the Jaywick Sands beach area. The explanatory text for the petition had stated:-


“We have been approached by holiday makers and locals concerning the lack of toilets by the beach to the point of locals finding people defecating in their gardens.


It’s only going to get worse now the summer is here and the holiday makers are flooding in. We have a beautiful beach to enjoy but nowhere for people to go to the toilet.”


Council was reminded that Public Conveniences were an executive function (Assets Portfolio) and therefore the Cabinet had been the appropriate body to consider this matter. Accordingly, this matter had been investigated and a report prepared and presented to the first practicable meeting of the Cabinet which had been the meeting held on 26 July 2024.


It was reported that, at that meeting, and in accordance with the Council’s approved scheme, Mr Sloggett, as the lead petitioner, had been invited to address the Cabinet and to outline the action that the petitioners wanted the Council to take. However, Mr. Sloggett had not attended the meeting of the Cabinet. The Cabinet had then discussed and deliberated on the petition and the report and made its decision. The Cabinet’s decision had been to endorse the comments of the Portfolio Holder for Assets as this Council’s formal response to the Petition. Those comments were as follows:-


“Whilst I note and welcome the substantial visitor usage of the excellent beaches at Jaywick Sands we must recognise that the Council is in a restrained financial position. Although I support the idea of increasing facilities and services it is hard to recommend among the current economic climate.


Reconsidering public convenience provision throughout the towns and coast of Tendring District can only fairly be achieved within the context of an overall review of the strategy. Such a strategy review can take account of the developing financial issues that we face and should follow consideration and resolution of those issues. I have asked officers to complete a review of the strategy in the current year accordingly.


I would like to thank the petitioners for their views and consideration. I acknowledge the visitor numbers in the area but believe that we cannot, at present, commit the organisation to the construction of new facilities. I believe that a review of this and other strategies should be carried out at a future juncture once the approach to the Council’s financial position can be brought into clear focus.


I refer Members to my comments at page 894 of the agenda and further say that Tendring District Council currently has 27 public conveniences across the District with 17 open throughout the year. The service is non-statutory but we realise public conveniences are an important service in any seaside area.


Toilets to the rear of Sweet Tina’s shop were replaced recently with new toilets at the Sunspot development. The closed facilities are situated in a secluded area and were frequently closed due to vandalism and anti-social behaviour and created unsustainable costs to maintain and repair. The new facilities are modern, easier to keep clean and maintain and, because of the nature of the site, deter anti-social behaviour.


Jaywick beach is not owned by Tendring District Council and due to its potential to flood is not the ideal position for a facility of this type.


We are currently in the process of producing a new public convenience strategy which will review the current trends and needs of residents and visitors to the District as well as assessing the current provision in all areas.”


Mr. Sloggett has been subsequently informed of the Cabinet’s decision and the decision has been published on the Council’s website by way of the Minutes of that meeting.


As the sole purpose of this report under the Petitions Scheme was to inform Council of the receipt of Mr. Sloggett’s petition and the Cabinet’s decision thereon, it was therefore:-


It was moved by Councillor Kotz and:-


RESOLVED that the contents of this report be received and noted.

Supporting documents: