Agenda item
- Meeting of Special Meeting, Planning Committee, Thursday, 15th February, 2024 5.00 pm (Item 80.)
- View the background to item 80.
Temporary siting of storage container. (Retrospective application).
Members were informed that this application was before the Planning Committee as the application site was owned by Tendring District Council.
It was reported that the application sought permission for the temporary siting of a storage container on land at the rear of the Coppins Hall Community Centre to store bikes, bike equipment, tools and sports equipment which the charity (Inclusion Ventures) used for community based sessions.
The Committee was advised that the proposal was not considered by Officers to be harmful to the character and appearance of the area and it would not result in any significant impact to neighbouring amenities.
The Committee had before it the published Officer report containing the key planning issues, relevant planning policies, planning history, any response from consultees, written representations received and a recommendation of approval.
At the meeting, an oral presentation was made by the Council’s Head of Planning & Building Control in respect of the application.
An update sheet had been circulated to the Committee prior to the meeting with details of:
(a) An additional condition and informative in relation to the colour of the container to read as follows:
CONDITION: Within 1 month of the date of approval of this planning permission, details of the external colour finish (suitable paint) to be applied to all the external facing elevations of the container shall be submitted to and approved, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority. The approved colour shall be applied to all external facing elevations of the container within one month of the date of the approval of the said colour, and retained as one uniform colour on all the external facing elevations for as long as the container is kept on site.
REASON: To minimise the visual impact of the container on the character and appearance of the area.
Informative - Paint Colour
Due to the current condition of the container, a condition has been imposed for the applicant to paint the container in a uniform colour to minimise its overall impact. It is recommended that the container is painted green to be considered in keeping with the character of the area.
(b) An amendment to condition 2 to read as follows:
CONDITION: The development is hereby approved for a temporary period of 3 years from the date of this decision, by which date the container shall be removed in its entirety and the land returned to its original state and use.
REASON: To accord with the requirements of the application, this is secured as temporary permission. Furthermore, the appearance of the container is not consideredappropriate to warrant the granting of a permanent permission in the interests of preserving the visual amenity of the surrounding area. This temporary permission allows time for an application for a suitable permanent scheme to come forward.
There were no public speakers on this occasion.
Matters raised by Members of the Committee:- |
Officer’s response thereto:- |
Is there a possibility of using a paint that is completely resistant to graffiti? |
There are paints out there that claim to be impervious but I have yet to see one that is completely so. It would be difficult to impose such a condition and to then be able to enforce it. |
It was moved by Councillor Alexander, seconded by Councillor McWilliams and unanimously:-
(a) the Head of Planning and Building Control be authorised to grant planning permission subject to conditions, as stated at paragraph 8.2 of the Officer report (A.1) and as subsequently amended by the Planning Officer Update Sheet, or varied as is necessary to ensure the wording is enforceable, precise, and reasonable in all other respects, including appropriate updates, so long as the principle of the conditions as referenced is retained; and
(b) the sending to the applicant of any informative notes as may be deemed necessary.
Supporting documents:
- A.1 - Coppins Hall Community Centre Maldon Way Clacton On Sea Essex CO16 7PA, item 80. PDF 209 KB
- 15.02.2024 - Planning Officer Update Sheet, item 80. PDF 139 KB