Agenda item

Change of use from residential to office with no alternations. This application is before the Planning Committee owing to the fact that the applicant is an elected Member of the Council (Councillor Bensilum).


Members were told that this application was before the Planning Committee owing to the fact that the applicant was an elected Member of the Council, and the application was being recommended by Officers for approval.


The Committee heard that the proposal was for the change of use of a residential dwelling into office use and given that the site fell within the Manningtree Town Centre such a use was supported in this location.


Members were informed that whilst the building was Grade II Listed and located within the Mistley and Manningtree Conservation Area, it was concluded by Officers that there was no harm to those heritage assets, given that no alterations were proposed and nature of the use. Furthermore, there would be no harmful impacts to neighbouring amenities to warrant refusal.


Members also heard that the Officers noted that there was no proposal to include parking provision, however, they had also acknowledged the site’s highly sustainable location within the Manningtree Town Centre and that therefore they had not considered that matter to be significantly harmful to result in a refusal.


The Committee had before it the published Officer report containing the key planning issues, relevant planning policies, planning history, any response from consultees, written representations received and a recommendation of approval.


At the meeting, an oral presentation was made by the Council’s Senior Planning Officer (MP) in respect of the application.


There were no updates circulated to Members for this application.


There were no public speakers for this application.


Matters raised by Members of the Committee:-


Officer’s response thereto:-


Can Officers confirm that this application is only before Members because the applicant is an elected Member?

Yes, that is correct.

Is there going to be any physical changes to the building apart from its use?

That is correct. There are no external or internal alterations. There is an informative for clarity, section 8.3 of the Officer report, to outline that if the applicant were to make any internal alterations after this application is approved then they would need Listed Building consent.

Is parking applicable at the moment?

In terms of the parking, there is no parking provided and Essex Parking Standards state that for an office use of this size there should be up to 3 parking spaces but given the sites location, it is in of walking distance to amenity areas and facilities and Officers have fallen on the judgement that the lack on parking is acceptable on this occasion. Also, the existing residential has no parking either.

What is the use of the building?

The offices are to be, according to the heritage statement submitted, used for CDC advise and TDC Officers do not know anymore than that.


It was moved by Councillor Everett, seconded by Councillor Alexander and unanimously:-




1)    the Head of Planning and Building Control be authorised to grant planning permission subject to the conditions as stated at paragraph 8.2 of the Officer report, or varied as is necessary to ensure the wording is enforceable, precise, and reasonable in all other respects, including appropriate updates, so long as the principle of the conditions as referenced is retained; and,


2)    the sending of any informative notes to the applicant, as may be deemed necessary.

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