Agenda item
The Cabinet is asked to note any announcements made by Members of the Cabinet.
High Street Accelerator Fund Pilots
The Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration & Tourism (Councillor I J Henderson) announced that this Council had been successful in getting Dovercourt selected as of one of ten areas to take part in a new national pilot scheme. Dovercourt’s High Street had been chosen by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) to be part of the new High Street Accelerator Pilot Programme.
Councillor Henderson placed on record his thanks to the Officers who had worked really hard to achieve this and had met DLUHC’s requirements in a very short time. It had helped the Council’s case that there was already a very good delivery vehicle in place in the form of the Harwich & Dovercourt Tourism Group who would act as the equivalent of a ‘Town Centre Board’. He reported that under the chairmanship of Paul Milsom of the Milson Group that body would begin its work on this scheme in January.
The Leader of the Council (Councillor M E Stephenson) informed Members that he had attended the launch of the High Street Accelerator Pilot Programme held in Manchester. He stated that it was a testament to this Council’s Officers that Dovercourt was the only pilot to chosen from the southern half of the country.
Sunspot Christmas Market
The Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration & Tourism (Councillor I J Henderson) announced that he had been delighted to attend the first Christmas Market at the newly opened Sunspot in Jaywick Sands. It had been fantastic to see that community come together and it had demonstrated what an excellent investment the Sunspot was going to be for the future. It had been good to see local businesses thriving and already looking to expand.
Councillor Henderson stated that the Christmas Market had been a big hit with families, with almost 200 children eagerly awaiting their turn to enter Santa’s grotto which had featured Santa’s cabin, a sleigh, and free popcorn and candyfloss, kindly provided by the excellent volunteers from the Jaywick Sands Community Forum. Almost 300 presents and prizes had been handed out thanks to free donations from a range of organisations, including Clacton-on-Sea Lions Club, Colchester Zoo, HAT Projects, Jaywick Sands Community Forum, Rotary Club of Clacton-on-Sea, and Tesco.
Orwell Place (formerly the Starlings site), Dovercourt
The Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration & Tourism (Councillor I J Henderson) informed Cabinet that 4th December had marked the Christmas lighting up and opening of this new open space. He further informed Members that very evening at Orwell Place an open air Christmas Carol Service would take place, complete with a 20 foot Christmas Tree supplied by Harwich Town Council (HTC) (for the public record, Councillor Henderson reminded Members that he was a member of HTC). Participating in this event would be the Tendring Brass Band, the Choir from Harwich & Dovercourt High School, the Sea Scouts and the Police Cadets.
New Waste and Street Cleaning Contract for 2026 – Progress Update
The Environment Portfolio Holder (Councillor Bush) informed Cabinet that this Council had engaged with EELGA, as consultants, to develop a full business case and to provide a tender specification for the new contract.
Climate Action Plan
The Environment Portfolio Holder (Councillor Bush) informed Cabinet that this Council had appointed ACSE, as energy consultants in order to produce and evaluate the carbon and energy use data for 2023 as part of the Climate Action Plan for the period 2024 – 2027.