Agenda item

Subject to providing two working days’ notice, a Member of the Committee may ask the Chairman of the Committee a question on any matter in relation to which the Council has powers or duties which affect the Tendring District and which falls within the terms of reference of the Committee.



Pursuant to the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 38, Councillor Griffiths asked the following question:-


Can we clarify why it takes over a year to produce a Health and Wellbeing Strategy?   With a general election next year, and the possibility of a change of government, is there not a possibility that any strategy considered by the cabinet at the start of next year, could have to be reviewed due to a change in political direction at national government level”?


The Chairman responded based on information provided to him, as follows:-


“The Health and Wellbeing Strategy was considered for review in late 2022.  To update the document requires a review of data, for which the 2021/22 information has only recently been made available, and consideration of potential future priorities in alignment with partners.


With an election in May 2023 it was appropriate to await the result of the election before proceeding as the strategy highlights the Council’s health and wellbeing priorities.  The high level priorities of the Council are currently being drafted and there is the potential for the Strategy to be included.


Whilst determining priorities consideration is given to the focus of our partners to ensure effective partnership working and alignment.


The Health and Wellbeing Strategy is now being aligned to the developing place planning work undertaken by the North East Essex Health and Wellbeing Alliance which will see a greater focus on place within Tendring.


Alignment with partners priorities to help deliver a system based approach which is soundly based on data is likely to remain a consistent approach even if there is political change”. 


Pursuant to the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 38, Councillor McWilliams asked the following question:-


“At the meeting of the Full Council held on 11th July 2023, the Cabinet Member for Partnerships informed the Council that the new Clacton CCTV cameras and work associated with the scheme regarding upgrades, etc., which is being funded by the £317,000 of Essex Safer Streets funding, would be started soon in mid July 2023. It was also said that the system would be fully operational by October 2023.


As this system has not yet been in operation, could you please inform me as to why this has not yet occurred and when it is expected to be completed and fully operational”?


The Chairman responded based on information provided to him, as follows:-


“The Portfolio Holder for Partnerships is delighted that the Council was successful in its Essex Safer Streets bid. The work has indeed begun with the ordering of lighting upgrades for parts of the seafront gardens and the successful procurement of CCTV equipment for the work.


Regrettably, since the update provided to the Council in July, the officer team has identified some additional complexities around consents and procedures, including planning permissions (part including a conservation area matter), highway consents and the like, that need to be resolved in terms of the detailed locations of new poles and cameras.


This is regrettable, of course, but the officer team has been widened to include the necessary specialism to further address the intricacies referred to.


Due to the aforementioned complexities, the team has secured the extension of the funding period to March 2025 and is in the process of reviewing the proposals in order to ensure that the relevant processes, procedures and consents are followed or put in place as applicable.


The officer team is preparing a revised timeline for the works, which will begin with further lighting upgrades in the short term and necessary consultations and applications with the camera installations to follow, beginning with equipment in current locations, and new poles and equipment on them forming the final phase.


I am sure that fellow members may be disappointed that progress has been checked. However, I am confident that the officer team, from the various necessary professional backgrounds, will be working as hard as possible to get each tranche of the works completed (as soon as they can properly be done), whilst ensuring that the enhanced system will be as effective as it can be and that benefit to the community is maximised.


Furthermore, I have been informed by officers that Clacton will receive ten years of funding and support totalling £20 million over the decade. This investment will focus on long-term strategic transformations as well as shorter-term improvements. The funding will be focused on high streets, heritage and regeneration, and public safety and security. So, there is also the opportunity in Clacton for long-term support to improve public safety and reduce anti-social behaviour”.



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