Agenda item

To enable the Cabinet to consider the recommendations made to it by the Planning Policy & Local Plan Committee in relation to the Ardleigh, Great Holland and Tendring village Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Plans prepared for the Council by Essex Place Services.


RESOLVED that the new Ardleigh, Great Holland and Tendring village Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Plans be approved for consultation with the public and other interested parties.


Cabinet was informed that the Planning Policy & Local Plan Committee (“the Committee”), at its meeting held on 27 July 2023 (Minute 7 referred), had considered a comprehensive report (and appendices) of the Director (Planning). That report had reported to it the Ardleigh, Great Holland and Tendring village Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Plans, prepared for the Council by Essex Place Services.


The report had also sought the Committee’s recommendation to Cabinet that they should be approved for public consultation purposes.


The Committee’s decision at its meeting held on 27 July 2023 had been as follows:-


“RESOLVED that the Planning Policy and Local Plan Committee:


a)     endorses the new Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Plans for Ardleigh (Appendix 1 to item A.1 of the Report of the Director (Planning)), Great Holland (Appendix 2 thereto) and Tendring village (Appendix 3 thereto);


b)     recommends to Cabinet that the above documents forming Appendices 1, 2 and 3 be published for consultation with the public and other interested parties; and


c)      requests that in the event that future reviews of a Conservation Area or Areas within a Parish or Parishes coincides with that Parish or Parishes or other qualifying bodies formulating a Neighbourhood Plan then that Parish or Parishes or other qualifying bodies will be consulted by Officers at an earlier stage of the review(s) in order that the said Parish or Parishes or other qualifying bodies can take any material considerations arising therefrom forward as part of the Neighbourhood Plan process.”


Cabinet had before it the following comment submitted by the Portfolio Holder for Housing & Planning:-


“I thank the Planning Policy and Local Plan Committee for its consideration of these last three Conservation Area Character Appraisals and Management Plans and I sincerely welcome, once again, its recommendation to Cabinet that these be published for public consultation. Reviewing all of the District’s Conservation Areas is one of the key actions in the Council’s Heritage Strategy and the progress so far has been very good. Ensuring we have an up-to-date appraisal for each and every Conservation Area will enable residents, developers, planners and our Planning Committee to understand the key characteristics that make each area special and which need to be preserved and enhanced when making planning applications and determining them. They will also enable us to reconsider the boundaries of each area and determine whether any Article 4 Directions are needed to provide an extra level of protection and control. I thank and congratulate the Officers and the members of the Committee, past and present for all of their sustained hard work over the last three years in bring these conservation area appraisals to fruition.”


Having duly considered the recommendations submitted to Cabinet by the Planning Policy & Local Plan Committee, together with the response of the Housing & Planning Portfolio Holder thereto:-


It was moved by Councillor Baker, seconded by Councillor Bushand:-


RESOLVED that the new Ardleigh, Great Holland and Tendring village Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Plans be approved for consultation with the public and other interested parties.

Supporting documents: