Agenda item
- Meeting of Cabinet, Friday, 17th February, 2023 10.30 am (Item 118.)
- View the declarations of interest for item 118.
- View the background to item 118.
To enable the Cabinet to consider the recommendations submitted to it by the Resources and Services Overview & Scrutiny Committee following the scrutiny of the Council’s Beach Hut Strategy by the Task and Finish Working Group on Beach Huts.
RESOLVED that the recommendations made by the Resources and Services Overview & Scrutiny Committee be noted and that it be further noted that the response of the Leisure and Tourism Portfolio Holder thereto will be considered as part of the Cabinet’s deliberations on the related report of the Leisure and Tourism Portfolio Holder (A.10), which will be considered later on in the meeting.
Councillor Allen declared a Personal Interest in that he was the Mayor of Frinton and Walton Town Council and that the Town Council owned two beach huts that it rented out exclusively to residents residing within the Parish.
Councillor Chapman BEM declared a Personal Interest insofar as her family held a licence for a beach hut in Brightlingsea.
Cabinet considered the recommendations submitted to it by the Resources and Services Overview & Scrutiny Committee following that Committee’s scrutiny of the Beach Huts Task & Finish Working Group’s report on its review of the Council’s proposals to renew the beach hut strategy at its meeting held on 1 February 2023.
That Committee had recommended -
“That Cabinet takes into account, prior to its consideration of the draft Beach Hut Strategy, that -
a) the Committee recommends that future charges for lease agreements are set at a fair and reasonable level. This is relevant for both commercial and mainstream leases. This should also be appropriate for any new Beach Huts made available for purchase or lease in the future;
b) it is recommended that terms and conditions included in lease agreements are fair and equitable and in consultation with Beach Hut owners;
c) the Committee recommends that appropriate resources are put in place for administration involved in implementing the strategy. That consideration be given to the subsequent cost to the Council of processing leases and that subsequent costs are reported back to the Committee;
d) the Committee recommends that bright colours and vibrant designs be included in the revised design specification for Beach Huts, when this is produced following adoption;
e) the Committee recommends that there is acknowledgement of the differences in seafront locations along the Tendring District and their respective unique features, such as cliff slopes and how they impact Beach Hut design for the emerging specification review;
f) noting the point above, it is recommended that certain limited Beach Hut adaptations in parts of the District be included in the future specification for reasons of access, e.g. appropriate access steps on cliff slopes. This should be considered on a location-by-location basis;
g) it is recommended that a map be attached to the emerging strategy to clearly define which land is owned by Tendring District Council;
h) it is recommended that no Beach Hut designs should be permitted that are contrary to current or future legislation;
i) to ensure high standards are maintained on Beach Huts and their use, it is recommended that adequate resources should be in place for appropriate enforcement action;
j) the Committee recommends that a reasonable timescale for adaptations to be removed which fall outside of the revised specification, is agreed. The timescale recommended is a period up to two years;
k) the Committee recommends that the Council continues to support those without access or ability to use digital platforms so that they are still able to deal with a member of staff. As such, sufficient resources should remain in place; and
l) the new Beach Hut Strategy returns to the Resources and Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee for review in 12 months’ time.”
Having duly considered the recommendations submitted to Cabinet by the Resources & Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee:-
It was moved by Councillor Porter, seconded by Councillor Stock OBE and:-
RESOLVED that the recommendations made by the Resources and Services Overview & Scrutiny Committee be noted and that it be further noted that the response of the Leisure and Tourism Portfolio Holder thereto will be considered as part of the Cabinet’s deliberations on the related report of the Leisure and Tourism Portfolio Holder (A.10), which will be considered later on in the meeting.
Supporting documents:
- A5 Reference Report - Beach Hut Strategy Review, item 118. PDF 119 KB
- A5 Appendix, item 118. PDF 123 KB