Agenda item

The Council is asked to note any statements made by Members of the Cabinet (Portfolio Holders).

Councillors may then ask questions of the Portfolio Holders on their statements.



Action on Climate Change Update


The Environment and Public Space Portfolio Holder (Councillor Talbot) made the following statement:-


“Good evening, Colleagues,


There is value in reminding ourselves of the actual calendar dealing with Climate Change matters for TDC.


  • It is 3 years 5 months from our Leaders Motion declaring a Climate Emergency in August 2019
  • It is only 7 years and 11 months until our own aim to be ‘Net Zero Carbon’ by the end of 2030 arrives.
  • And our current  Climate Action plan come to an end this year 2023.


Recognising that this is January of a New Year, I would like to give Members a flavour of the actions planned in the year ahead, subject to formal decision, and a recognition that our local elections take place on 4th May.


I have been pressing to see delivered those items reported and discussed at Lee Heley’s Climate Change meetings with responsible officers, which can be progressed without major building or engineering works being required.


One of these is to reduce the heat loss in our Leisure Centre swimming pools, by fitting covers that can be drawn over the pools when not in use, thereby reducing current heat loss. This work can be started the moment it is formally agreed.  


We also expect to fit new LED timer lighting in the three Leisure Centres this Spring, not only a climate change objective but a saving in running costs.


We are expecting to employ a building surveyor whose role will be to put forward recommendations for improvements to our Council buildings to reduce carbon emissions.


Lee informs me that he would expect solar panels to be part of the proposals for our buildings, but we must remind ourselves as always, that funding must be available before projects can be implemented.  


As we reach procurement milestones for electricity during 2023, the Council will continue to ensure the electricity used across our various sites is delivered from carbon neutral sources.


The Government has recently published an Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Strategy. No one can deny that the move to battery electric vehicles and plug in electric vehicles is gaining pace.  Alex Porter and myself have engaged on an EV strategy being drafted by officers, with particular reference to EV charge points in our car parks, ahead of it coming to Cabinet.


James Hill deals ‘Inter Alia’ with the vehicles and motorised equipment we use. Any alternative to Petrol or Diesel fuelled vehicles, is considered, but currently the market is very thin and very pricey. This means we are continuing with Diesel and Petrol.


James advised me only yesterday that arising from Urban Tree Fund money we will be planting on the:-


Burrs Road, Clacton-on-Sea Open Space – 600 trees, Due to start 30/1/2023

Jubilee Field, Parkeston – 60 trees, started 16/1/2023

Lotus Way, Jaywick – 100 trees, Due to start – soon.


For the sake of the record we will publish when available, the Carbon Emissions data for TDC, our Council.


As I said when I began this report, the Climate Change Action Plan, drawn up by Tim Clarke and Alan Coley’s working party, ends this year, so a new plan must be developed to run from 2024 onwards.  Expect more on this later!


I am still having no success in meeting with ECC as our Highway Authority, to speak about our special highway needs for EV charging points as a tourist destination. We need these sited on their highways, close to our beach areas. The last date given for us to meet was 14th December, but unfortunately this was cancelled due to sickness at the County end.”


Councillor Talbot then responded to a question put to him by Councillor Bush.