Agenda item
To seek the Planning Policy and Local Plan Committee’s comments on the initial consultation in relation to the Jaywick Sands Place Plan, which will inform the preparation of a first proper version of the Place Plan for further consultation and adoption as a Supplementary Planning Document.
The Committee considered a report of the Director (Planning) (A.2) which sought its comments on the initial consultation in relation to the Jaywick Sands Place Plan which would inform the preparation of a first proper version of the Place Plan for further consultation and adoption as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).
Members recalled that the purpose of the Place Plan was to provide a long-term strategy for the regeneration of Jaywick Sands. As part of producing the regeneration strategy, a series of public consultation events had taken place from 5 September 2022 to 27 October 2022.
The Committee was informed that the feedback had shown showed that people appreciated the beach and sense of community and the character and uniqueness of the community (including the built form). The residents felt that derelict houses and plots should be demolished and used for new functions and also wanted improvement and maintenance of the public realm, including dealing with fly-tipping, potholes and maintaining the green/open space and street lighting. There was strong support from for making Brooklands a one-way street if resident parking issues could be solved. Most owners wanted to make improvements to their properties but requested help to do so. Some renters wanted to move elsewhere, others wanted to stay in Jaywick Sands. There was more support for building new homes on vacant/derelict plots than on greenfield land.
However, concerns had been expressed by residents about the design of new homes, particularly in relation to disabled access. The responses were divided on whether flood risk was a concern with over half the respondents stating they would not move away from Jaywick Sands, or were otherwise unsure, even if flooding was more common.
Most respondents had identified a lack of shops and services locally, with the provision of a small supermarket being the most popular suggestion for additional shops, followed by the need for healthcare.
Importantly, the Environment Agency had commented that it would not support any strategy that would lead to a net increase in population. For example, any new housing off Lotus Way would, in their view, need to rehouse existing residents. However, the Environment Agency did support the replacement dwellings policy as set out in the Council’s consultation draft Jaywick Sands Design Guide SPD. The Environment Agency’s position, if upheld, would have a significant impact on the direction of the Place Plan and how much new development could take place.
Members were advised that all comments received would be considered in producing a first proper version of a Place Plan, which would itself, be the subject of consultation and adoption as a SPD in due course.
At the invitation of the Chairman, the Planning Portfolio Holder (Councillor Bray) and the Chairman of the Planning Committee (Councillor White) addressed the Committee on the subject matter of this item.
Having considered and discussed all of the information contained in the Officer report (A.2):-
It was moved by Councillor Fairley, seconded by Councillor Chapman BEMand:-
RESOLVED that the contents of this report be noted.
Supporting documents:
- A2 Report Jaywick Sands Place Plan Consultation, item 30. PDF 72 KB
- A2 Appendix 1 - Jaywick Sands Place Plan Consultation, item 30. PDF 138 KB