Agenda item
To update Cabinet on the activities and progress since the Ofsted Inspection visit in November 2021, and seek its agreement for the continuation of the Career Track function and to agree the new governance structure/format.
RESOLVED that Cabinet –
a) notes the implemented progress of the Career Track Apprenticeship Scheme since the Ofsted Report in December 2021 requiring improvement;
b) approves the Terms of Reference of the Career Track Apprenticeship Governance Board, which will be chaired by the Cabinet Member for Corporate Finance and Governance, who also has the Portfolio Holder responsibility for Career Track; and
c) continues its support for Career Track and their priorities and the longer term commitment to continue to explore opportunities to deliver the Service at no net cost to the Council.
Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Finance & Governance Portfolio Holder (A.3), which updated it on the activities and progress since the Ofsted Inspection visit in November 2021, and sought its agreement for the continuation of the Career Track function and its agreement of the new governance structure/format.
Cabinet recalled that Career Track had had its first full inspection by Ofsted between 3 and 5 November 2021 following the Education Inspection Framework. Career Track had previously had a successful Ofsted Monitoring Visit (a more ‘light touch’ inspection) in June 2019. The full report following the November Inspection had been published on 24 December 2021. The findings of that report had graded Career Track as ‘Requiring Improvement’. Following this grading, Tendring District Council had implemented a comprehensive Development Plan in order to address the improvement areas identified by Ofsted.
An internal Development Group had been established to monitor the progress against the actions identified within the Development Plan. The Development Group was chaired by Councillor G V Guglielmi in his role as the Portfolio Holder for Career Track. Membership of the group also included the Chief Executive; Assistant Director (Partnerships); the Internal Audit Manager and the Executive Projects Manager (Governance). The Work Based Learning Manager and the Organisational Development Manager reported to this group. The Internal Audit Manager and Executive Projects Manager had been part of the Development Group to represent the Section 151 Officer and Monitoring Officer in their overarching governance roles due to the findings of the Ofsted Report.
It was reported that to date the Development Group had met five times and following significant progress had been able to sign off the Development Plan at its last meeting in June 2022. Initial activity following the inspection had focussed on setting the foundations and getting them in place. This had involved adjusting Career Track resources to address the additional demands to meet inspection requirements.
Members were informed that the services of a specialist company known as Strategic Development Network (SDN) had been commissioned for their professional help and advice for policy and curriculum development, which had enabled a new curriculum to be written, which met fully the requirements and expectations of Ofsted. The curriculum covered the knowledge, skills and behaviours of the standards, including personal development and behaviours and attitudes, which covered safeguarding, British values, Prevent, career development and health and well-being.
Cabinet was advised that SDN had supported Career Track with consultants/professionals who also worked alongside and trained Ofsted Inspectors. In addition, their services had been used to support the completion of the RoATP (Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers) application in 2019 and in 2022, as an apprenticeship training provider had to be an approved provider on the register in order to be able to deliver apprenticeships. SDN had recently completed a review of the Development Group to assist in shaping a governance approach suitable for the ongoing provision of Career Track Apprenticeship.
It was reported that Career Track had formally launched OneFile, a training software package for the administration and management of apprenticeships. OneFile was used by at least 50% of all apprenticeship providers as it supported learners more effectively and enabled the provider to better monitor and ensure effective delivery of the curriculum. Career Track was now able to fully personalise learning, improve quality and increase engagement with its apprentices and employers, using the OneFile eportfolio software. This had been funded by the Back to Business Agenda.
In addition, a recent stakeholders briefing had enabled Career Track to share a revised and updated mission statement, the success of OneFile and the new curriculum – this had resulted in positive feedback from those who had attended. All apprentices (and their supervisors and mentors) were using OneFile (dependent on where they were in their apprenticeship programme) and the benefits were already evident.
Cabinet was made aware that the agreement for TDC (under the name of Career Track) to provide apprenticeship training rested with the ESFA (Education and Skills Funding Agency). That organisation had an allocated account manager for career Track and the Work Based Learning Manager had held monthly meetings with him to discuss actions and progress towards meeting the improvements required by Ofsted. The ESFA account manager had approved the Development Plan and fully supported the progress being made. At their last meeting on 23 June 2022 the account manager had agreed that the plan had been completed and consequently Career Track had returned to quarterly meetings until the next inspection.
Members were informed that a Career Track self-assessment report and its accompanying quality improvement plan was being finalised and would replace the Development Plan as the monitoring tool for quality, progress, development and achievement, This was an expectation of Ofsted and when complete would be shared with them and the ESFA.
Cabinet noted that, with the recovery phase / improvement changes now completed, Career Track was returning to ‘Business as Usual’ and the Development Group had recommended that its membership be revised to align with a governance required by Ofsted for the ongoing provision of all apprenticeships.
It was reported that Career Track would seek to follow the AELP (Association of Employment and Learning Providers) Governance Code. It was based on the following expectations of good governance:
ØPutting the learner, apprentice, and employer first;
Øpromoting high expectations and ambitions for learners, apprentices, and staff;
Ølistening to learners, employers, and staff;
Øpromoting inspirational training, teaching, and learning and assessment;
Øcreating a safe environment for learners and apprentices to train, learn and develop;
Øproviding strong strategic leadership and challenge to the senior team;
Ødemonstrating accountability to all stakeholders, including publishing accurate and timely information on performance;
Øensuring the achievement of equality of opportunity, diversity, and inclusion throughout the organisation.
Cabinet was informed that, under the Ofsted Education Inspection Framework it was a requirement that an apprenticeship training provider followed the Further Education and Skills handbook criteria for Governance, as identified in the AELP Governance Code.
The aim of the Tendring District Council (Career Track) Apprenticeship Governance Board was to achieve effective governance, that:
· sets the tone from the top and ensures that delivery matches up with an organisation’s values and ethos;
· provides strategic direction and control to Career Track by creating robust accountability, oversight and assurance for educational outcomes and financial performance;
· requires confidence and ability to challenge conventional wisdom, ask tough questions and nurture strong relationships.
The Terms of Reference of the Apprenticeship Board, as set out in Appendix C to the Portfolio Holder’s report, had been agreed, in principle, at the final meeting of the Development Group. The first meeting of the Apprenticeship Governance Board was due to take place in October 2022 with three meetings being held per year, termly, and with an annual report to Cabinet following the final summer term meeting.
To enable Career Track to work towards achieving a ‘Good’ Ofsted inspection result and to continue to contribute to the economic, health and social well-being of the District:-
It was moved by Councillor G V Guglielmi, seconded by Councillor McWilliams and:-
RESOLVED that Cabinet –
a) notes the implemented progress of the Career Track Apprenticeship Scheme since the Ofsted Report in December 2021 requiring improvement;
b) approves the Terms of Reference of the Career Track Apprenticeship Governance Board, which will be chaired by the Cabinet Member for Corporate Finance and Governance, who also has the Portfolio Holder responsibility for Career Track; and
c) continues its support for Career Track and their priorities and the longer term commitment to continue to explore opportunities to deliver the Service at no net cost to the Council.
Supporting documents:
- A3 Report Career Track Update, item 56. PDF 360 KB
- A3 Appendix 1 Ofsted Inspection Report TDC, item 56. PDF 476 KB
- A3 Appendix 2 Career Track Development Plan, item 56. PDF 285 KB
- A3 Appendix 3 TDC (Career Track) Apprenticeship Board Terms of Reference, item 56. PDF 338 KB