Agenda item

To present to the Committee the progress on outstanding actions identified by the Committee along with general updates on other issues that fall within the responsibilities of the Committee.


The Committee had before it a report on the progress of outstanding actions identified by the Committee along with general updates on other issues that fell within the responsibilities of the Committee (report A.4). 


Members were reminded that a Table of Outstanding Issues was maintained and reported to each meeting of the Committee. This approach enabled the Committee to effectively monitor progress on issues and items that formed part of its governance responsibilities.


Members also heard that updates were set out against general items and the Annual Governance statement within Appendices A and B respectively and that to date there were no significant issues arising from the above, with work remaining in progress or updates provided elsewhere on the agenda where appropriate.


Other issues


Statement of Accounts 2020/21


It was reported that the Statement of Accounts 2020/21 remained subject to the conclusion of the work of the External Auditor. At the time of this meeting, the associated report of the External Auditor was yet to be received as they continued their necessary audit work.


Aphrodite Lefevre, representing the Council’s External Auditor, BDO LLP, attended the meeting via Microsoft Teams.


The Chairman reminded Members that the responsibilities of the Audit Committee included:-


·      approving the Council’s Statement of Accounts;

·      providing Independent Assurance of the Adequacy of the Risk Management Framework; and

·      considering the work and recommendations arising from both internal and external audit reports.


The Chairman also stated that the External Auditor was now a year behind in providing its view and opinion on the Council’s 2020/2021 Statement of Accounts and its Financial Strategy. He felt that the Audit Committee now needed clear advice on how it could discharge its responsibilities in those circumstances, given the lack of clear, documented reports from the External Auditor, which had been sorely missed.


Ms Lefevre responded by stating that she sincerely regretted the position that this Council was in, but that the delay had been substantially caused by issues outside of her control and ability to influence. A substantial amount of work on the Statement of Accounts had been completed which was now undergoing the required ‘quality control’ process. No substantial issues or weaknesses had been discovered to date. Unfortunately, the Auditor working on the Accounts had left BDO and there had been a delay in finding a replacement. There was now a new Auditor in place but they were inexperienced and therefore required a lot of ‘hands on’ guidance at this time. Ms Lefevre continued to hold regular meetings with the Council’s Management Team and expected to be able to submit a final report to the next meeting of the Committee. Ms Lefevre also undertook to give an assurance in writing that there were no substantial issues with the Council’s Accounts for 2020/2021.


The Assistant Director (Finance & IT) (Richard Barrett) informed Members that an update on the Council’s financial position would be submitted to the next meeting of the Cabinet on 7 October 2022.


RIPA – Regulatory Investigatory Powers Act 2000


The Committee was informed that this Authority had not conducted any RIPA activity in the last quarter and it was rare that it would be required to do so.


Redmond Review


Members were informed that as further progress was announced by the Government, updates would be provided to future meetings of the Committee, which would hopefully set out the necessary practical steps to implement the recommendations made as part of the Review.


Planning Enforcement Policy


The Committee was advised that the draft Planning Enforcement Policy had been presented to the Planning Committee at its meeting held on 1 September 2022 and had been subsequently adopted, subject to some minor amendments.  The Planning Committee had also resolved that performance against the Planning Enforcement Policy be reported to it on a regular basis. The Executive Projects Manager (Governance) (Karen Townshend) reported an update provided by the Planning Manager (John Pateman-Gee).


The Chairman stated that:-


a)     he had concerns as to whether the staffing resources would be adequate to implement the Planning Enforcement Policy;

b)     he felt that an audit should be carried out of the planning enforcement service; and

c)      he had concerns as to whether the Policy had, in fact, been formally adopted given the amendments made and the decision made by the Planning Committee on 1 September 2022.


 The Assistant Director (Finance & IT) (Richard Barrett) responded that he would take those matters up at Management Team level and with the Planning Portfolio Holder (Councillor Bray).


After discussion, the Committee RESOLVED that it noted the progress made against the actions set out in Appendices A and B of item A.4 of the Report of the Assistant Director (Finance & IT).

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