Agenda item
The Council is asked to note any statements made by Members of the Cabinet (Portfolio Holders).
Councillors may then ask questions of the Portfolio Holders on their statements.
Action on Climate Change Update
The Environment and Public Space Portfolio Holder (Councillor Talbot) made the following statement:-
“Good evening Colleagues,
This is another report intended to inform Members of activity within our respective Council Departments, activity to help meet our Net Climate Zero ambition by 2030.
May I start off this report by quoting Lee Heley in a note to me. Lee had attended a major event, with Climate Change case studies on the agenda, he wrote: “What I took away from the discussions was that the basic rules set in law and guidance from central government are not enough to meet our ambitions to reach net zero – certainly our stretch goal of 2030, and so we are always seeking to try to get ahead of National policy”. I thought this a very honest comment from someone with no axe to grind!
Now to Tendring:
*We are seeking a consultant to collaborate with us on our Council houses and buildings, designing renewable energy schemes for some of our buildings. Tenders have been received and are being evaluated. A full report containing recommended options for investment will be taken to a Cabinet meeting in the Autumn.
*Electric Vehicle charging points in our roads, where parking is controlled, are likely to be an Essex C.C. function. I am personally keen to see this facility in our roads approaching the Sea Front areas for the benefit and even encouragement of our holiday visitors. There is no present indication from ECC of action on this. The Council is engaged with ECC and the NEPP to encourage more on-street EV charging provision. One of the most difficult areas of concern with Electric Vehicles will be supporting residents who do not have off road parking, to charge at home. It could be that coupled with the needs of visitors, in both cases the most likely providers of EV charging are the commercial sector – as currently they provide the fuel at petrol stations.
Off street in car parks
is where TDC can help both visitors who require charging
before returning home and to assist local
residents who do not have off road capability.
At present the main govt. grant scheme - ORCS funding (up to 75% of
cost to a maximum of £13,000 per bay) is available to support
households without off road capability but is not so readily
available to support the special needs of our Tourist / visitor
needs. Ian Taylor has secured grant support for EV charging in the
proposed new Starlings car park, which is based in an area of
terraced properties and without off road provision. The Council had
the opportunity to purchase new equipment for the new car park.
These last two situations helped the secure the grants
It might be that we eventually seek a partnership with the
commercial sector via a variety of Charge Point Operators, but
these companies still often require 15-year contracts –
something that most local authorities are rightly cautious about,
particularly in such a changeable market as this.
*Our Planners, promised in an earlier Climate Change statement to encourage any developer to add facilities, such as EV charging points, Solar roof panels, increased insulation of buildings etc. to their plans, prior to formal consideration. Their promises have come to fruition. The Planning Committee have been using some standard conditions attached to planning applications around EV charging (for all new development) and energy efficiency (for major applications). These are supported by Policies SPL3 and PPL10 of the new Local Plan.
EV charging (is now a requirement for all new development). A policy of 20% renewables (applies to all new housing development): This means that a scheme detailing how a minimum saving of 20% of the energy needs generated by the development can be achieved through renewable energy source, and I am informed that a ‘A Climate Change Special Planning Document’ is under development by the Planning Policy Team, which I will report on in due course.
*Last Tuesday the Staff Climate Change Network had
its first lunch time learning session during which they received a
presentation from the PACE group based in Manningtree, the Group that organised the
successful Earth Festival.
Discussion on Climate Change and action to reduce carbon emissions
in Tendring was the purpose of the
*Our CEO Ian Davidson report to Members on 4th July, informing us that he had attended that day the Essex Climate Change Commission, looking at various initiatives around the County. He finished with an observation, which I think we must bear in mind when considering some sort of association with the number of bodies that seek our support and an association with them. I quote Ian: “I have to say that some attendees were there to use Climate Change as a tool to fight other battles.”
*I report here at each Council Meeting, about Tendring’s high ambition to be ‘nett Carbon Zero’ by the end of this decade. But there is much going on in the Country as a whole and I thought a very brief report on one national matter, that eventually will concern all citizens and all members, may be of interest, as each of us go about our daily business.
When all motor vehicles
cease to use Petrol and Diesel the Government will lose around
£29 Billion in revenue from motorists. The main proposals
being considered are to charge drivers
to use the road, with some form of a tachometer charging each
vehicle for every mile travelled, to replace lost fuel duty and VED
in the switch to electric vehicles.
On the 15th of June, the LGA invited elected Council Members to a web meeting to discuss how ‘Road Pricing’ could be introduced to compensate the Treasury for the loss of tax revenue, with consideration being given to a ‘National’ delivery of a scheme, and the introduction alongside the ‘National’ scheme, of a ‘Local’ road charging scheme, for essentially local road matters. (Sounds to me a bit like a bribe to get LA’s support).”
Councillor Talbot then responded to questions raised on his statement by Councillors Scott, I J Henderson, Miles, Allen and Clifton.