Agenda item
To present to the Committee the progress on outstanding actions identified by the Committee along with general updates on other issues that fall within the responsibilities of the Committee.
The Committee had before it a report on the progress of outstanding actions identified by the Committee along with general updates on other issues that fell within the responsibilities of the Committee (report A.2).
Members were reminded that a Table of Outstanding Issues was maintained and reported to each meeting of the Committee. This approach enabled the Committee to effectively monitor progress on issues and items that formed part of its governance responsibilities.
Members also heard that updates were set out against general items and the Annual Governance statement within Appendices A and B respectively and that to date there were no significant issues arising from the above, with work remaining in progress or updates provided elsewhere on the agenda where appropriate.
Other issues
Statement of Accounts 2020/21
It was reported that the Statement of Accounts 2020/21 remained subject to the conclusion of the work of the External Auditor. At the time of this Committee meeting, the associated report of the External Auditor had yet to be received as they continued their necessary audit work.
At the last meeting of the Committee, the External Auditor had provided a report which had detailed reasons for the aforementioned awaiting conclusion and had stated that the audit was not sufficiently progressed to enable the Audit Completion Report to be submitted, citing increasing pressures on the sector and unrealistic target dates. At the present time, it was hoped to bring this item to the September meeting of the Committee.
The Committee was informed that this Authority had not conducted any RIPA activity in the last quarter and that it was rare that it would be required to do so.
The Covert Surveillance Policy and Procedure Manual pursuant to the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 and Use of Social Media in Investigations Policy and Procedure had been finalised and had been published in May and June 2022 respectively.
Housing Void Rate
Members recalled that the housing void rate issue would now be managed through the Financial Performance Reports and it had consequently been removed from the Table of Outstanding Issues. However, if issues arose in the future they would be brought to this Committee as necessary.
Redmond Review
The Committee was informed that the Government had provided a further response to Local Audit Framework: technical consultation, as detailed in the Redmond Review on 31 May 22. This was a culmination of the Government’s response into the effectiveness of external audit and transparency of financial reporting in local authorities and detailed the first steps taken towards a more co-ordinated local audit system, in which key players worked together to address challenges as they arose.
The response confirmed that the new regulator, the Audit Reporting and Governance Authority (ARGA) would act as system leader for local audit. Ahead of ARGA’s establishment, shadow arrangements would start at the Financial Reporting Council. Additionally, measures had been announced to ease immediate timeliness issues and to reduce the financial burden which increased audit requirements had placed on councils. Collaboration had accelerated across the current system as key stakeholders had worked closely through the Liaison Committee to deliver a package of measures to improve timeliness. Furthermore, the response had confirmed that once Parliamentary time allowed, it was planned that audit committees would become mandatory for all councils, with at least one independent member nominated to each Authority’s audit committee.
It was further reported that the Local Audit Framework technical consultation had set out the Government’s intention to act as interim system leader for local audit before new system leader arrangements were established. This had included the establishment of the new Liaison Committee, which had met 4 times. This forum had enabled strong and positive engagement from across the local audit system on how to balance different priorities and objectives. A primary focus for the Liaison Committee across this period had been the development of measures to address ongoing audit delays and to support the fragile audit market.
The Public Sector Audit Appointments Ltd (PSAA) had continued to progress its procurement strategy for the next round of local audit contracts. In March 2022, PSAA had confirmed that 470 out of 475 eligible local bodies had opted-in to its scheme for the procurement of the 2022/23-2027/28 audit contract, including this authority.
Planning Enforcement Policy
Members were advised that the draft Planning Enforcement Policy had been presented to the Corporate Enforcement Group where feedback and comments had been invited. The draft policy would now be presented to the Planning Committee in order for it to be formally adopted and it was anticipated that this would be at its August 2022 meeting.
Careline update
Following the Audit Committee’s consideration of the Careline service at its March 2022 meeting, a report had been presented to Cabinet on 17 June 2022 which had set out options for the future of the Careline service, along with the most up to date position with regard to the improvement actions identified. Those actions had included the creation of a Careline Board which was attended by senior managers and the Portfolio Holder for Housing. This Board continued to oversee the improvement plan which included such elements as the monitoring of performance against the TSA KPI’s, incoming call volumes, staffing levels and debt management. Therefore the above had established an assurance framework to respond to the issues previously reported to the Committee. However, further timely updates would be provided to future meetings of the Committee.
After discussion the Committee RESOLVED that –
(a) it notes the progress made against the actions set out in Appendices A and B of item A.2 of the Report of the Assistant Director (Finance & IT);
(b) in relation to the Careline update, the Assistant Director (Finance & IT) be requested to submit, on behalf of the Audit Committee, the following questions and comments to the Careline Board:-
(1) are the approved new plans for Careline realistic ambitions for the structure and staffing levels in Careline?;
(2) the Audit Committee want a reassurance that the agreed new plans for Careline do not compromise the recovery of the service and its delivery to customers;
(3) will the ability to deliver a sustained and deliverable service match the potential interest resulting from the marketing campaign?;
(4) willCareline provide a sustainable and cost effective service, which mitigates the financial and reputational risk to the Council?;
(5) what is the current and proposed staffing levels and does the business case support the employment and training of additional new staff?;
(6) has the Business Continuity Plan for Careline been updated, to mitigate the previous risks and failings?; and
(7) is there still outstanding unrecovered debt?.
(c) in relation to the response to the Ofsted report following its inspection of Career Track, the Assistant Director (Partnerships) be required to attend the September 2022 meeting of the Committee and give a presentation to Members on the completed Career Track development plan;
(d) in view of the Council’s on-going response to Covid-19 the Committee authorises an indefinite delay in carrying out an audit review in relation to the effectiveness of the Council's response to the COVID-19 including a review of the lessons learnt from the Council’s response andlonger term consequences; and
(e) in relation to the Council’s declared intention to be ‘carbon neutral’ by 2030 and the reputational risk inherent, the relevant Corporate Director be required to attend a meeting of the Committee in early 2023 to present to Members a two year progress report on the Council’s Climate Change Action Plan.
Supporting documents:
- Table of Outstanding Issues Report, item 6. PDF 37 KB
- Apendix A B C - 2 Table of Outstanding Issues App A B and C, item 6. PDF 37 KB