Agenda item
The report provides the Committee with an update on its approved Work Programme for 2022/23 (including progress with enquiries set out in its Work Programme), feedback to the Committee on the decisions in respect of previous recommendations from the Committee in respect of enquiries undertaken and a list of forthcoming decisions for which notice has been given since publication of the agenda for the Committee’s last meeting.
The Committee had before it a report that provided them with an update on its approved Work Programme for 2022/23 (it included progress with enquiries set out in that Work Programme), feedback to the Committee on the decisions in respect of previous recommendations from the Committee in respects of enquiries previously undertaken and a list of forthcoming decisions for which notice had been given since publication of the agenda for the Committee’s last meeting.
The Committee heard oral updates from the Chairmen of the following groups, set up by it:
Councillor Scott in relation to the Beach Hut Task and Finish Group.
Councillor Baker in relation to the Planning Enforcement Task and Finish Group.
Councillor Clifton in relation to the Cyber Security Task and Finish Group.
A short statement was also read out by Councillor Scott in relation to the Customer Service Task and Finish Group, chaired by Councillor M Stephenson, in the absence of the Groups Chairman.
The Committee heard an update on the Procurement and Contract Management enquiry. This enquiry was, as it stated in the report, being undertaken through informal meetings involving the whole Committee’s membership. The first informal meeting for this enquiry was held on 17 October and the next meeting was now scheduled for 7 December 2022. Members of the Committee had been asked for their views on the issues covered at the meeting on 17 October. However no views were submitted from them. There was a lot of written material for Councillors to read through and so it was understood that some of that reading would take place after 17 October. As such, the view was expressed that if Committee Members could be encouraged again to submit comments etc in response to the email request from officers on this matter.
The issue of inflation in contract pricing for schemes approved for delivery by the Council, was something the Committee had already identified would be a matter it would specifically look at as part of its Committee’s budget scrutiny work that would take place on 11 January at the full day process.
The Committee also heard that an update on progress with ambition towards achievement of Carbon Neutral by 2030 – The Off Agenda Briefing Paper – based on questions provided by the Committee’s designated Carbon Neutral Champion (Cllr Barry) had been requested and it was anticipated that this would be provided by the end of this month. Once received it would be circulated to the whole Committee.The off agenda briefing paper would look at how the Climate Action Plan implementation was progressing.
How are we measuring carbon reduction?
What measures have
a) actually been implemented and what impact have they had
b) are planned in next 2-3 yrs and what are anticipated savings
c) what is planned 2025 – 2030 to continue commitment to achieve neutrality and what are obstacles and problems.?
It was reported to Members that the reply from the Portfolio Holder for Environment to the recommendations from the Committee on 30 July 2022 on Waste, Recycling and Littering was set out in recommendation 10 on Page 22 of the Agenda, Council approved on 12 July 2022 that the development of proposals for the waste, recycling and street cleaning contract specification from 2026 be included in thework programme of enquiries for the Committee for 2022/23.
On respect of the forthcoming decision item, “Proposed new TDC Road Closure Policy”, there had not been the required notice to consider it at this meeting.
After a short discussion in relation to the Waste Item in the Recommendations Monitoring report it was moved by Councillor Skeels and seconded by Councillor Amos and RESOLVED that the reply from the Portfolios Holder to the Committees recommendations on the matter, can usefully be added to the Waste Enquiry which has been timed to take place in the Spring 2023.
The Head of Democratic Services and Elections confirmed that the sentiments of the Committee arising from the discussion of the proposed Road Closure Policy notice in the forthcoming decisions would be reported to officers and the relevant Portfolio Holders as follows:
a) this policy should be aligned with the proposed Open Spaces that has previously been referenced to this Committee and;
b) that it is vitally aware that consultation is undertaken prior to any adopted policy in this regard.
Supporting documents:
- A.1 WP Report, item 12. PDF 124 KB
- A.1 Appendix A Work Programmes for 2022-23, item 12. PDF 115 KB
- A.1 Appendix B Recommendations Monitoring, item 12. PDF 151 KB
- A.1 Appendix B1 Portfolio Holder Follow up report on RSOSC Recs on Elements of Waste Recycling and Litter, item 12. PDF 180 KB
- A.1 Appendix C Scrutiny of Proposed Decisions, item 12. PDF 67 KB