Agenda item
To report on progress towards developing a framework for regeneration in Jaywick Sands and to enable Cabinet to consider the recommendations submitted by the Planning Policy and Local Plan Committee in respect of proposals for statutory public consultation on a Jaywick Sands Place Plan and a draft Jaywick Sands Design Guide.
RESOLVED that Cabinet –
1. approves the recommended objectives for the regeneration of Jaywick Sands as set out in the Portfolio Holders’ joint report;
2. approves the Jaywick Sands Place Plan Consultation Strategy;
3. approves the draft Jaywick Sands Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document for publication and consultation with the public and other interested parties; and
4. requests that the responses received in response to the consultation exercises for both the Jaywick Sands Place Plan and Design Guide be reported to, and considered by, the Planning Policy and Local Plan Committee.
Cabinet considered a joint report of the Housing Portfolio Holder and the Planning Portfolio Holder (A.7), which reported on progress made towards developing a framework for regeneration in Jaywick Sands and reported the recommendations submitted by the Planning Policy and Local Plan Committee in respect of proposals for statutory public consultation on a Jaywick Sands Place Plan and a draft Jaywick Sands Design Guide .
Members were aware that significant progress had been made in work towards developing a strategy and policy framework for regeneration and planning in Jaywick Sands with a view to commencing a programme of public engagement that would help to shape the approach going forward.
The regeneration of Jaywick Sands was a corporate priority for the Council. The current actions comprised of two key work streams related to the planning process:
- theJaywick Sands Place Plan Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) (referred to henceforth as the “Place Plan”); and
- the Jaywick Sands Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) (referred to henceforth as the “Design SPD”).
The purpose of the Place Plan was to provide a long-term strategy for the regeneration of Jaywick Sands with the recommended objectives being to:
• Transform housing quality and the built environment;
• Ensure long term flood resilience;
• Create greater connectivity to neighbouring areas;
• Attract commerce & new economic opportunities; and
• Improve people's life chances, access to public services & health & wellbeing
As part of producing this strategy, it was felt essential to engage in consultation with the local community and stakeholders at an early stage. The proposed consultation strategy would be a mixture of in-person engagement including drop-in sessions as well as digital engagement including an online presentation and survey with short explainer videos.
Members were made aware that the content of the consultation strategy had been informed by the Jaywick Sands Place Plan Interim report, which provided an analysis of the current problems and base line conditions as well as potential solutions although, at this stage, it did not prescribe a preferred approach.
The Design SPD provided key guidance to the community, property owners and developers, helping to speed up the planning process and facilitate the re-development of poor quality housing with better quality flood resilient homes. This Design SPD would be a tool for:-
• Property owners and developers, and their design and planning consultants, in producing proposals for their sites;
• Stakeholders and community members when commenting on planning applications or early stage proposals;
• Planning officers in determining planning applications and pre-application submissions.
Cabinet was informed that the draft document was divided into a number of chapters covering characterisation; flood resistance and resilience; massing scale and building form; streetscape and parking; internal and external space standards; and climate change and biodiversity. The appendices provided worked examples of designs so that the applicant could understand the practical implementation of the requirements. The draft document had been produced in consultation with the Environment Agency and other stakeholders.
Members were aware that, on 31st May 2022, the Planning Policy and Local Plan Committee (“the Committee”) had considered the Place Plan and the Design Guide.
Having considered and discussed those documents, the Committee had decided to recommend to Cabinet that a consultation with the public and other interested parties take place to inform the production of a Place Plan and a Design Guide for Jaywick Sands. This was with the intention that both documents would become Supplementary Planning Documents in support of policies in the Council’s new adopted Local Plan.
Members of the Committee had made the following comments and observations for the Cabinet’s consideration:
• Need to ensure the Place Plan considers the need for, and the opportunity to deliver infrastructure such as health provision; and
• Need to ensure younger people are engaged in the consultation process, including through engagement via the local primary school.
The Portfolio Holder for Planning and the Portfolio Holder for Housing both welcomed the recommendations and comments from the Planning Policy and Local Plan Committee.
The Portfolio Holder for Housing emphasised the importance of the Place Plan in providing a long-term strategy for the future regeneration of Jaywick Sands and, in particular, a strategy that needed to be developed through positive engagement with the community.
The Portfolio Holder for Planning welcomed the Design Guide as a practical tool that property owners, architects, developers and planners could refer to in the consideration of plans to redevelop sub-standard properties and under-utilised land in an appropriate and flood resilient manner.
Having duly considered the recommendations, comments and observations of the Planning Policy & Local Plan Committee:-
It was moved by Councillor P B Honeywood, seconded by Councillor Bray and:-
RESOLVED that Cabinet –
1. approves the recommended objectives for the regeneration of Jaywick Sands as set out in the Portfolio Holders’ joint report;
2. approves the Jaywick Sands Place Plan Consultation Strategy;
3. approves the draft Jaywick Sands Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document for publication and consultation with the public and other interested parties; and
4. requests that the responses received in response to the consultation exercises for both the Jaywick Sands Place Plan and Design Guide be reported to, and considered by, the Planning Policy and Local Plan Committee.
Supporting documents:
- A7 Report - JS Place Plan Design Guide, item 26. PDF 255 KB
- A7 Appendix A PP&LP Report - Jaywick Sands Place Plan SPD, item 26. PDF 184 KB
- A7 Appendix A1 - Jaywick Sands Place Plan Consultation Strategy, item 26. PDF 203 KB
- A7 Appendix A2 Jaywick Sands Place Plan Interim Report Place Plan, item 26. PDF 22 MB
- A7 Appendix B PP&LP Report - Jaywick Sands Design Guide SPD, item 26. PDF 189 KB
- A7 Appendix B1 Jaywick Sands Design Guide SPD - Draft, item 26. PDF 13 MB