Agenda item

To present to the Committee the progress on outstanding actions identified by the Committee along with general updates on other issues that fall within the responsibilities of the Committee.


The Committee had before it a report on the progress of outstanding actions identified by the Committee along with general updates on other issues that fell within the responsibilities of the Committee (report A.3). 


Members were reminded that a Table of Outstanding Issues was maintained and reported to each meeting of the Committee. This approach enabled the Committee to effectively monitor progress on issues and items that formed part of its governance responsibilities.


Members also heard that updates were set out against general items, external audit recommendations and the Annual Governance statement within Appendices A, B, and C respectively and that to date there were no significant issues arising from the above, with work remaining in progress or updates provided elsewhere on the agenda where appropriate.


Other issues


Statement of Accounts 2020/21


The Committee was informed that the Statement of Accounts 2020/21 remained subject to the conclusion of the work of the External Auditor.  The associated report of the External Auditor was yet to be received as they continue their necessary audit work. 


The Committee also had before it a progress report from BDO (the Council’s External Auditor) which provided reasons for the delay and which further stated that the audit was not sufficiently progressed to enable them to present the Audit Completion Report.


Two further reports from the External Auditor that had been planned to be presented to this Committee would be reported later in the year once they had been finalised by them.


Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA)


Members were advised that this Authority had not conducted any RIPA activity in the last quarter and that it was rare that it would be required to do so.


It was reported that the following draft policies had been circulated to the Operational Enforcement Group for their consideration:-


Covert Surveillance Policy and Procedure Manual pursuant to the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000; and


Use of Social Media in Investigations Policy and Procedure.


At the meeting, the Committee was advised that it was anticipated that the policies referred to would be further considered by the Operational Enforcement Group at its meeting on 10 May 2022.


Housing Void Rate


The Committee was informed that the housing void rate would now be reported by exception and managed through Financial Performance Reports and had subsequently been removed from the Table of Outstanding Issues.


Redmond Review


It was reported that no further updates had been provided by the Government at this time.


The Committee was then addressed by Aphrodite Lefevre of BDO LLP (the Council’s External Auditors).  She had joined the meeting through the MS Teams platform.  She spoke to the Addendum to the Report of the Assistant Director (Finance and IT) that had been provided to the Committee and set out progress with the audit of the Council’s accounts to 31 March 2021.  Ms Lefevre set out some of the challenges external auditors were facing with recruitment and retention of external auditors  and the enlarged regulatory framework for external auditors.  She advised the Committee of the intention of BDO LLP to report on outstanding matters to each meeting of the Committee. 


In view of the appointment of the Committee on 26 April 2022 (at the Annual Council) there would again be the need to consider the training requirements of the members of this Committee.


After an in-depth discussion the Committee RESOLVED that it notes the progress made against the actions set out in Appendices A to C of item A.3 of the Report of the Assistant Director (Finance & IT), along with the reported update from the Council’s External Auditor.

Supporting documents: