Agenda item

The Council will receive the minutes of the following Committees:


(a)    Community Leadership Overview & Scrutiny of Monday 10 January 2022;


(b)    Resources and Services Overview & Scrutiny of Wednesday 12 January 2022;


(c)    Audit of Thursday 27 January 2022;


(d)    Community Leadership Overview & Scrutiny of Monday 31 January 2022;


(e)    Standards of Wednesday 2 February 2022;


(f)     Resources and Services Overview & Scrutiny of Monday 7 February 2022;


(g)    Human Resources & Council Tax of Thursday 24 February 2022; and


(h)    Tendring Colchester Border Garden Community Joint of Monday 28 February 2022.





(1)   The above minutes are presented to Council for information only.  Members can ask questions on their contents to the relevant Chairman but questions as to the accuracy of the minutes must be asked at the meeting of the Committee when the relevant minutes are approved as a correct record; and


(2)   If any recommendations to Council have been made by those Committees, these are included within separate reports for Council to decide upon (i.e. by noting the minutes those recommendations are not approved at this stage of the proceedings).


It was moved by Councillor Stock OBE and:-


RESOLVED that the minutes of the following Committees, as circulated, be received and noted:-


(a)    Community Leadership Overview & Scrutiny of Monday 10 January 2022;


(b)    Resources and Services Overview & Scrutiny of Wednesday 12 January 2022;


(c)    Audit of Thursday 27 January 2022;


(d)    Community Leadership Overview & Scrutiny of Monday 31 January 2022;


(e)    Standards of Wednesday 2 February 2022;


(f)     Resources and Services Overview & Scrutiny of Monday 7 February 2022;


(g)    Human Resources & Council Tax of Thursday 24 February 2022; and


(h)    Tendring Colchester Border Garden Community Joint of Monday 28 February 2022.


In respect of item (h) above, Councillor Scott asked a question in relation to Minute 6 (Draft Plan for the Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document) and specifically the number and timing of the public consultation exhibition events on the DPD in Elmstead Market. The Chairman of the Tendring Colchester Border Garden Community Joint Committee (Councillor Turner) duly responded to that question.

Supporting documents: