Agenda item
To enable Council to consider whether to support a motion submitted at the meeting of the Council held on 13 July 2021 by Councillor Ivan Henderson in relation to the grounds maintenance service. The wording of that motion is as follows:-
“That this Council accepts that its ground maintenance service is failing the tourist economy of the Tendring District as the lack of regular grass cutting and weed clearance is resulting in a negative visual impact for those seeking to enjoy Tendring’s Sunshine Coast.
It is further proposed that the necessary resources are immediately made available to ensure that Tendring’s coastal resorts present a positive visual impact throughout the 2021 summer season and that a review of the grounds maintenance policy then takes place to ensure that this issue does not reoccur in future years.”
Members recalled that, at the meeting of the Council held on 13 July 2021 (Minute 50 referred), the following motion had been moved by Councillor I J Henderson and seconded by Councillor Allen and, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 12.4, had stood referred to the Cabinet for further consideration:
“That this Council accepts that its ground maintenance service is failing the tourist economy of the Tendring District as the lack of regular grass cutting and weed clearance is resulting in a negative visual impact for those seeking to enjoy Tendring’s Sunshine Coast.
It is further proposed that the necessary resources are immediately made available to ensure that Tendring’s coastal resorts present a positive visual impact throughout the 2021 summer season and that a review of the grounds maintenance policy then takes place to ensure that this issue does not reoccur in future years.”
Councillor Henderson’s motion consequently had been submitted to the formal meeting of the Cabinet held on 17 September 2021 (Minute 36 referred). Having duly considered Councillor Henderson’s motion and in order for the Cabinet’s opinion and recommendation to be reported back to Council, Cabinet had resolved:-
“That Cabinet –
(a) recommends that the Council should not support the motion in its original format; and
(b) will not suggest to Council at this time that an amended motion be proposed but will consider this further at a future meeting.”
Subsequently, at its meeting held on 12 November 2021 (Minute 76 referred), Cabinet had had before it a suggested amended motion for its consideration however, following the Leader’s recommendation, and to enable this matter to be brought to a conclusion at this meeting of the Full Council, without fettering the discussion of the original motion, Cabinet had decided:-
“That Cabinet does not put forward an amended motion to Full Council.”
In summary therefore, on the original motion Cabinet had decided that:-
(1) it recommends that the Council should not support the motion in its original format; and
(2) an amended motion is not being put forward.
Council thereupon debated Councillor Henderson’s motion having regard to the provisions, as applicable, of Council Procedure Rules 16, 19, 23, 24, 25, 28 and 29.
Councillors I J Henderson, Steady, Talbot, Allen, P B Honeywood, G V Guglielmi, Stock OBE, J Henderson, Miles and M E Stephenson each, in turn, addressed the Council on the subject matter of the Motion.
Councillor M E Stephenson then moved and Councillor Bush seconded that Councillor Henderson’s motion be amended to read as follows:-
“It is proposed that the necessary resources are immediately made available to ensure that Tendring’s coastal resorts present a positive visual impact throughout the 2021 summer season and that a review of the grounds maintenance policy then takes place to ensure that this issue does not reoccur in future years.”
After a consultation with the Chief Executive, the Monitoring Officer, the Leader of the Council (Councillor Stock OBE), the Environment & Public Space Portfolio Holder (Councillor Talbot), his Seconder (Councillor Bush) and the mover of the original motion (Councillor I J Henderson), Councillor Stephenson withdraw his amendment (pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 16.6 – Alteration of Motion) and in its place he moved the following amendment in its place, namely that Councillor Henderson’s motion be amended to read as follows:-
“It is proposed that the necessary resources are immediately made available to ensure that Tendring’s coastal resorts present a positive visual impact throughout the 2022 summer season and that a review of the grounds maintenance policy then takes place and this be referred to the relevant Overview & Scrutiny Committee for consideration and thence to Cabinet.”
Councillor Bush seconded the revised amendment.
Councillors P B Honeywood, Turner, Coley, Morrison and Porter addressed the Council on the subject matter of the amendment.
In answer to a question from Councillor Coley, the Monitoring Officer (Lisa Hastings) confirmed that the amendment did not contravene the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5 (Amendments to Motions).
Pursuant to the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.6(a) (Alteration of Motion), Councillor I J Henderson, with the consent of his seconder, Councillor Allen, accepted Councillor Stephenson’s and altered his motion accordingly.
Pursuant to the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 19.4 (Recorded Vote), Councillor M E Stephenson, supported by 8 other Members, demanded a recorded vote on Councillor I J Henderson’s substantive motion, as now altered. That vote resulted as follows:-
Councillors For |
Councillors Against |
Councillors Abstaining |
Councillors Not Present |
Allen Baker Barry Bush Chapman Davidson Davis Fowler I J Henderson J Henderson Knowles Miles Morrison Placey Scott Steady G L Stephenson M E Stephenson Wiggins |
Alexander Amos Bray Chittock Codling Coley G V Guglielmi V E Guglielmi P B Honeywood S A Honeywood McWilliams Nash Porter Skeels Stock Talbot Turner Winfield |
Fairley Griffiths Harris White
Calver Casey Cawthron Clifton King Land Newton
Councillor Henderson’s motion was thereupon declared CARRIED.
Supporting documents: