Agenda item

To provide the Cabinet with an update on the positive progress with the Key Priority Actions adopted for 2021/22 towards the Council’s Corporate Plan Themes for 2020/24.


RESOLVED that Cabinet-


(a)    notes the contents of the report; and


(b)    approves the realignment of particular milestones for particular key priority actions, as highlighted in the Appendix to item A.2 of the Report of the Leader of the Council.



Cabinet had before it a report of the Leader of the Council (A.2) which provide it with an update on the positive progress with the Key Priority Actions adopted for 2021/22 towards the Council’s Corporate Plan themes for 2020/24.


Members were fully aware that the Corporate Plan 2020/24, adopted by Council, set out the strategic direction and policy objectives for the Council over that period.  Taking those Corporate Plan themes on board Cabinet, at its meeting held on 19 March 2021, had adopted a series of key priority actions for 2021/22 with individual milestones for each of those actions.  The Leader of the Council’s report now provided an opportunity to report on the six month position on each of those key priority actions and the specified milestones.


Cabinet also recalled that the Leader of the Council had added to the key priority actions, approved by it in March 2021, in relation to Freeport East.  The Leader’s report included progress with that action as well.


Members were aware that circumstances generally, and with progressing individual key priority actions, could impact on the individual milestones associated with those actions.  The Appendix to the Leader’s report invited Cabinet to realign those milestones.


In addition, to the key priority actions, Cabinet recalled that it had also approved a performance reporting arrangement for those actions and the milestones associated with those priority actions.  In accordance with that arrangement, the detail of performance at the end of Quarter 1 (i.e. April to June 2021) had been placed on the Council’s website in the ‘Transparency’ data section.  All Councillors had been advised by email of the data being placed there.  That arrangement had envisaged reporting on the six month position to this meeting of Cabinet. 


Cabinet was advised that the Quarter 3 position on the key priority actions for 2021/22 was due to be reported to Cabinet on 28 January 2022 when it was intended that it would finalise its proposals for the key priority actions for 2022/23. That meeting would also recommend to full Council the Council’s budget for 2022/23.  The final position at the end of 2021/22 in respect of the key priority actions for that year would also be reported in 2022/23 and it was hoped to align this with the budget outturn position.


In considering the Leader’s report, Cabinet reflected on the range of significant matters that the Council had delivered in those six months.  It had been a busy six months and a range of the bids, and deliverables in that period were set out in the “Background” section of the report.


Having considered the contents and implications to the Council and the District of the Leader of the Council’s update report:-


It was moved by Councillor Stock OBE, seconded by Councillor G V Guglielmi and:-


RESOLVED that Cabinet-


(a)    notes the contents of the report; and


(b)    approves the realignment of particular milestones for particular key priority actions, as highlighted in the Appendix to item A.2 of the Report of the Leader of the Council.


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