Agenda item

The current application seeks approval of the reserved matters (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) relating to outline planning permission 15/01351/OUT, which was allowed at appeal, for the erection of up to 132 dwellings and open space, including provision for a new sports field, new vehicular access and access via Sladbury’s Lane.  This application includes details of access, appearance, landscape, layout and scale which were not included as part of the outline application. 


It was requested that this application be referred to Committee for a decision by Cllr. Stephenson for the following reasons:

·            Several garden sizes amongst the many plots do not comply with Policy in that they are too small

·            Only 1 bungalow is to be made wheelchair adaptable – it should be all of them

·            The SUDs report does not mitigate for the flood risk that is possible


There is a separate planning application that seeks the discharge of Condition 10 (Surface Water Drainage) of approved on appeal planning application 15/01351/OUT.


Councillor Baker had earlier in the meeting declared a non-pecuniary interest in Planning Applications 20/01416/DETAIL AND 21/00042/DISCON – LAND NORTHWEST OF SLADBURYS LANE CLACTON ON SEA ESSEX CO15 6NU due to being the Ward Member.  He had also stated that he was pre-determined and therefore he did not participate in the Committee’s discussion and decisions on these applications.


It was reported that this application had been referred to Committee for a decision by Councillor M E Stephenson for the following reasons:

           Several garden sizes amongst the many plots did not comply with Policy in that they were too     small

           Only 1 bungalow was to be made wheelchair adaptable – it should have been all of them

           The SUDs report did not mitigate for the flood risk that was possible


Members were informed that the site was on the north-eastern edge of Clacton, it was divided into two fields by a line of trees and existing vegetation. To the north of the site beyond an agricultural field was the Colchester to Clacton railway line.  To the east and south of the site were the residential properties of Sladbury’s Lane and the Happy Valley Bowls and Tennis Club. 


The Committee was made aware that the current principal application sought approval of the reserved matters (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) relating to outline planning permission 15/01351/OUT, which had been allowed at appeal, for the erection of up to 132 dwellings and open space, including provision for a new sports field, new vehicular access and access via Sladbury’s Lane. This application included details of access, appearance, landscape, layout and scale which had not been included as part of the outline application. 


As established through the granting of outline application 15/01351/OUT, at appeal, the principle of residential development for up to 132 dwellings on this site was considered to be acceptable by Officers.  The appeal decision had also dealt with matters of impact on protected species, biodiversity and flood risk.


The detailed design, layout, access, landscaping and scale were also considered acceptable by Officers.  The proposal would result in no material harm to residential amenity or highway safety. 


The flood risk details submitted in the form of a SuDS Design and Management Report were also considered sufficient by Officers to discharge condition No. 10 (Surface Water) of Planning Application 15/01351/OUT approved on appeal APP/P1560/W/17/3169220.


The Committee had before it the published Officer report containing the key planning issues, relevant planning policies, planning history, any response from consultees, written representations received and a recommendation of approval subject to an agreement under the provisions of section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


At the meeting, an oral presentation was made by the Council’s Planning Team Leader (SE) in respect of the application.


An update sheet had been circulated to the Committee prior to the meeting with:


-          A letter from the Planning Agent.

-          A letter of objection from Councillor Baker.


Andy Rollings, a local resident, spoke against the application.


Councillor M E Stephenson, who had “called-in” the application, spoke against the application.


Councillor Baker, the Ward Member, spoke against the application.


Matters raised by a Committee member:-

Officer’s response thereto:-

A member of the Committee asked who owned Picker’s Ditch.

The Planning Officer confirmed that the Environment Agency owned the area however, Essex County Council managed the drainage issues.

How many bungalows have disabled access?

The Planning Officer confirmed that two bungalows have disabled access plans.

A Councillor asked if there was evidence around the flood risk in the area to support the residents’ concerns.

The Planning Officer confirmed that no research had been undertaken due to the responsibility of the ditch lying with the Environment Agency.

Have contamination surveys been undertaken?

No such surveys had been undertaken.

Was a Transport Assessment completed on the junction of the application site?

No objection had been received from Essex County Council with regards to traffic management.

Will electric car charging points be installed?

The proposal did not include electric car-charging points.

Will there be a speed limit in the development?

The application required further information regarding speed restrictions.


Following discussion by the Committee, it was moved by Councillor Bray, seconded by Councillor Alexander and unanimously RESOLVED that application 20/01416/DETAIL be deferred on the following grounds:-


-          Amendments to the layout to ensure that all dwelling comply with the Council’s adopted minimum Private Amenity Standards;

-          No more than 10 dwelling afforadable housing clusters;

-          Clarification on Housing Standards in terms of Accessibility/Adaptability;

-          And further clarification to be sought from Essex County Council SUDS and Environment Agency on surgace water drainage and flood risks from the development.


Following discussion by the Committee, it was moved by Councillor Bray, seconded by Councillor Alexander and unanimously RESOLVED that application 21/00042/DISCON also be deferred on the grounds listed above.


Supporting documents: