Agenda item

The Sub-Committee will determine an application for the grant of a Premises Licence in respect of the above premises.


The Chairman (Councillor Winfield) welcomed everyone to the meeting and made introductory remarks.


The Council’s Temporary Licensing Manager (Michael Cook) then gave a verbal summary of the written report and advised that the Sub-Committee had before it, for its consideration, as set out in item A.1 of the Report of the Corporate Director (Operations and Delivery), an application for the grant of a Premises Licence in respect of Oakmead Social Club, Oakmead Road, St Osyth, CO16 8NW.


This application was made under the Licensing Act 2003 for a Premises Licence to include indoor sporting events, live music, recorded music, late night refreshment and the sale of alcohol on the premises.


The premises was a bar and Chinese restaurant, with smoking area, beer garden and large car park.  Situated off the main road in a residential area.


Section 2.2 of the written report set out the proposed opening hours of the premises which were:-


Sundays to Thursday                          1200 to 0000

Fridays and Saturdays                       1200 to 0200




Indoor Sporting Events

Mondays to Thursdays                       1900 to 2300


Live Music

Wednesdays                                       1900 to 2300

Fridays and Saturdays                       1900 to 2300

Sundays                                              1400 to 1600

                                                1900 to 2200

Recorded Music

Mondays to Thursdays                       1200 to 2300

Fridays to Sundays                             1200 to 0000


Late Night Refreshment

Sundays to Thursdays                        2300 to 0000

Fridays and Saturdays                       2300 to 0200


Sale of Alcohol on the Premises

Sundays to Thursdays                        1200 to 0000

Fridays and Saturdays                       1200 to 0200




The applicant stated the following steps in the application to promote the licensing objectives. These measures were reproduced as shown in the application form and are detailed below for ease of reference. These were:


Crime and Disorder

Premises and outside areas are monitored by CCTV.  Any suspicious activity will be reported to the Police.


Public Safety

Premises and outside areas are monitored by CCTV.  Appropriate fire safety is in place with regard to exits and fire control equipment.  First Aid equipment is available on the premises.


Prevention of Public Nuisance

Noise from any live or recorded music will be contained within the premises which has double glazed windows and a lobby.

When drinking in the beer garden, customers will be monitored on noise level.


Protection of Children from Harm

Children with only responsible adults will be admitted to the premises.

No alcohol will be sold to under 18 year olds and proof of age will be asked for when appropriate.

When children are present appropriate language and behaviour will be expected and monitored from other customers.


General Information in support of the application in relation to all of the licensing objectives.

Staff are aware of contacts to be made in case of any emergencies.  Staff will be instructed and made aware of other steps listed.


21 letters of representations/objections and 2 letters of support were received.


As standards procedure, all relevant authorities were consulted. No representations were received from any other Responsible Authorities.


The following papers were attached as part of the agenda for Members of the Sub-Committee only:-


(i)         Application form and any supporting documentation.

(ii)        Location Plan.

(iii)       Representation/objection letters


Copies of all documentation concerning this application were also available from Licensing Section upon request.


The applicant advised the Committee that previously, a customer was charged for an offence relating to Anti-Social Behaviour. Various items were destroyed. Ms Kung advised most customers are elderly. Complaints were received regarding litter, the applicant advised that the litter from passers-by is regularly cleared and disposed of. The license was to extend the premises opening hours.


Councillor Henderson asked what the relationship with residents was like. Ms Kung advised relationships were friendly with the exception of the individual in which she explains above.


A resident read a letter in support of the application.


Councillor Winfield asked if the premises advertised the legal age in which alcohol would be sold. The representative of the applicant confirmed that 18 years of age was the legal age to drink alcohol in the premises.


Councillor Davis acknowledged the letters of objection received. The letters exercised the 2am finish. Councillor Davis suggested making the provision to apply for a special licences when late openings are required.


The applicant’s representative asked whether there would be a compromise in the Committees decision to potentially close the premises at 1200hrs.


A resident, on behalf of St Osyth Parish Council read a letter against the application.


Councillor John White, on behalf of St Osyth Parish Council spoke in support of the application.


The applicant advised that a decision to extend opening hours to 12am would be suitable.


Supporting documents: