Agenda item

To present the Tourism Strategy 2021-2026 and a work programme for the first year to Cabinet for its approval.


RESOLVED that Cabinet approves the Tourism Strategy 2021-2026 and the work programme for 2021-2022.


The Cabinet had before it a report of the Leisure & Tourism Portfolio Holder (A.3) which sought its approval of the Tourism Strategy 2021-2026 and a work programme for the first year.


Cabinet recalled that, at its meeting held on 11 September 2020, it had approved the draft tourism strategy to be sent out for consultation for a two month period.  Following that process, the final strategy was now presented for adoption.


Members were reminded that this five year plan replaced the previous strategy for Tendring, which had expired in 2016 and that tourism was estimated to be worth more than £402 million to Tendring, and was responsible for over 8,980 jobs, equivalent to 17.9% of the District’s employment. To put matters into perspective, tourism had increased in value to the local economy by £115 million since the previous strategy had been written in 2010.


Cabinet was aware that the coronavirus pandemic had impacted significantly on the local tourism industry and that this strategy was tailored to extend ‘back to business’ support towards the recovery of the sector.


It was reported that the strategy set out a 10 point plan for delivery of the following objectives:


1.  Wealth creation

2.  Job creation

3.  Quality of life for local people

4.  Long term growth of the tourism sector


Members were informed that the strategy recognised that Tendring had wide attraction, with its towns and villages all having their own unique features, tourism offer and charm.  It was important that the Council worked with partners to develop those unique selling points and promoted all of the District’s component parts.  From beautiful coastlines and visitor attractions, to picturesque countryside and heritage of international significance; the power of Tendring’s tourism offer was in the diversity of its destinations and that should be embraced and marketed accordingly. 


It was reported that there had been significant private sector investment in the local tourism industry in recent years, including multi-million pound investment into some of Tendring’s key attractions.  This had improved the quality of the District as a visitor destination and demonstrated local confidence and commitment to raising standards.


Cabinet was aware that the Council had invested in major projects such as the £36m Coastal Defence scheme for Clacton and Holland, creating tangible tourism assets in Harwich for Mayflower 400, was developing a scheme to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Clacton on Sea and public realm schemes to improve the appearance of the District. Furthermore, the Council had invested resources into both organising and facilitating an expanding quality events programme in recent years.  Building on the success of the nationally recognised Clacton Airshow and Harwich Illuminate, event organisers had felt empowered to bring events of national significance such as The Tour of Britain and the first ‘on road’ Motor Rally in England and Wales, to the Tendring District.


Cabinet was informed that the strategy recognised that tourism was a fast moving, agile economy and the Council was one partner in ensuring long term success.  As such, this strategy had greater emphasis on the Council’s role of facilitation than its predecessor. The strategy was also accompanied by a work programme for 2021/22, which set out actions the Council would take to deliver its strategic aims.  It was recognised that this work programme was a live document and would adapt to a changing environment.


Having considered all of the information and advice contained in the Portfolio Holder’s detailed report:-


It was moved by Councillor Porter, seconded by Councillor P B Honeywood and:-


RESOLVED that Cabinet approves the Tourism Strategy 2021-2026 and the work programme for 2021-2022.

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