To consider an application for the review of a Premises Licence.
The Sub-Committee considered an application for the Review of the Premises Licence for The Sailor Boy Freehouse that had been submitted by Essex Police. This had been received by the Licensing Authority on 23 November 2020 on the grounds that the licensing objective in respect of the Prevention of Crime and Disorder had been breached.
At the end of the hearing the Chairman of the Sub-Committee informed all parties present that, due to the amount of evidence that they needed to consider and the various considerations that needed to be taken into account, the Sub-Committee needed time to reach a decision.
The Chairman stated that therefore the Sub-Committee would make its determination within the next five working days in accordance with Regulation 26(2) of The Licensing Act 2003 (Hearings) Regulations 2005. All interested parties would then be informed of the decision in writing.
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