Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room - Town Hall, Station Road, Clacton-on-Sea, CO15 1SE. View directions
Contact: Emma Haward 01255686007
No. | Item | ||||||||||
Chairman's Announcements Minutes: The Chairman informed the Committee and the public present that Item 8 on the agenda, Planning Application 21/02022/FUL – CHINESE COTTAGE RESTAURANT, HIGH STREET, THORPE-LE-SOKEN, ESSEX, had been deferred at the applicant’s request and that there would be no Officer presentation, deliberations or speakers in relation to this application at this meeting.
Apologies for Absence and Substitutions The Committee is asked to note any apologies for absence and substitutions received from Members. Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Baker, Codling and Fowler with no substitutes. |
Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on 16 February 2022 PDF 242 KB To confirm and sign as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting of the Committee, held on Wednesday, 16th February 2022. Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Casey, seconded by Councillor Harrisand RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 16 February 2022 be approved as a correct record.
Declarations of Interest Councillors are invited to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or Personal Interest, and the nature of it, in relation to any item on the agenda.
Minutes: Councillor Bray declared a personal interest in Planning Application A.1 21/01000/FUL – ST JOHNS PLANT CENTRE, EARLS HALL DRIVE, CLACTON ON SEA, ESSEX CO16 8BP due to his having participated at length, on behalf of the Committee in the Planning Appeal on the previous application For this site. He considered that he was pre-determined and that therefore he would not participate in the Committee’s deliberations and decision making on this application.
Councillor White declared a personal interest in Planning Application A.1 21/01000/FUL – ST JOHNS PLANT CENTRE, EARLS HALL DRIVE, CLACTON ON SEA, ESSEX CO16 8BP due to his being a Ward Member. He did not consider that he was pre-determined.
Questions on Notice pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 38 Subject to providing two working days’ notice, a Member of the Committee may ask the Chairman of the Committee a question on any matter in relation to which the Council has powers or duties which affect the Tendring District and which falls within the terms of reference of the Committee. Minutes: There were none on this occasion.
This application seeks full planning permission for the demolition of the nursery glasshouses, buildings and structures and No. 700 St Johns Road and the redevelopment of the site with a predominately residential scheme. The proposed residential scheme comprises of: 180 Residential units comprising 10 no. 2 bed houses; 83 no. 3 bed houses; 24 no. 4 bed houses; 15 no. 5 bed houses; 16 no. 1 bed apartments; 24 no. 2 bed apartments and 8 no. live/work units (mixed commercial totalling 1064 square metres with flats above), with associated roads, open space, drainage, landscaping and other associated infrastructure. Additional documents: Minutes: In line with his previous declaration of interest as reported under Minute 224 above, Councillor Bray temporarily left the meeting whilst the Committee deliberated on this application.
It was noted that the application site comprised 7.6 hectares of horticultural land and was located approximately 300m to the western edge of Clacton-on-Sea, but within the Civil Parish of St Osyth. The site lay to the north of St. Johns Road (B1027), with the majority of the site being to the rear of a ribbon of residential development that fronted onto that road (even nos. 690 – 762).
It was reported that currently the vehicular access to the site was off Earls Hall Drive, a private road which passed along its western boundary. It was proposed to provide a footpath/cycleway within the current curtilage of 762 St Johns Road adjacent to the existing lane. In addition, the application site also included a chalet bungalow and its garden at 700 St Johns Road which it was proposed would be demolished, in order to provide a new, replacement vehicular access to the site, in lieu of Earls Hall Drive.
Members were informed that the site lay within the settlement development boundary for Clacton-on-Sea where there was no objection, in principle, to residential development.
The Committee was informed that this application sought full planning permission for the demolition of the nursery’s glasshouses, buildings and structures and No. 700 St Johns Road and the redevelopment of the site with a predominately residential scheme. The proposed residential scheme comprised of: 180 Residential units comprising 10 no. 2 bed houses; 83 no. 3 bed houses; 24 no. 4 bed houses; 15 no. 5 bed houses; 16 no. 1 bed apartments; 24 no. 2 bed apartments and 8 no. live/work units (mixed commercial totalling 1064 square metres with flats above), with associated roads, open space, drainage, landscaping and other associated infrastructure.
Officers reminded the Committee that they were content that, subject to the imposition of reasonable planning conditions and Section 106 planning obligations, that the general principle of this level of development on the site was acceptable. It was in keeping with both the site’s location on the edge of Clacton-on-Sea, along with the need to facilitate onsite strategic landscaping, open space and the retention of existing landscape features. Furthermore, the proposal would ensure that the living conditions of existing and future residents would be protected from any materially detrimental impacts.
Members were advised therefore that the recommendation of Officers was to approve planning permission, subject to the completion of a legal obligation under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, a dormouse survey and the imposition of a number of controlling conditions.
The Committee had before it the published Officer report containing the key planning issues, relevant planning policies, planning history, any response from consultees, written representations received and a recommendation of approval.
At the meeting, an oral presentation was made by the Council’s Planning Team Leader (SC-E) in respect of the application.
The application is referred to the Planning Committee at the request of St John’s Ward Councillor Mark Stephenson, due to concerns over the sequential test and the effect of the proposal on highways and parking considerations.
The proposal seeks outline planning permission with access to be considered. Appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale are reserved matters for consideration under a subsequent application. Minutes: Councillor Bray returned to the meeting.
It was noted that this application had been referred to the Planning Committee at the request of Councillor Mark Stephenson, due to his concerns over the sequential test and the effect of the proposal on highways and parking considerations.
It was reported that this application sought outline planning permission with access details to be considered. Appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale details were reserved matters for consideration under a subsequent application.
Members were reminded that the proposal was situated within the settlement development boundary of Clacton-on-Sea, which was a strategic urban settlement in the Local Plan settlement hierarchy. It was therefore an acceptable location for new development in principle. As the proposal was for a town centre use in an out of centre, edge of settlement location, a retail sequential test had been carried out and passed i.e. there was no sequentially preferable location for the development. The proposal was below the locally set threshold above which a retail impact assessment would have been required and it would not therefore conflict with the town centre first policy. Subject to conditions, Officers felt that it would also not conflict with Policy HP1 in terms of health considerations.
Whilst the concerns of Councillor Stephenson and B&Q who object to the proposal were acknowledged by Officers, the Committee was made aware that the technical evidence submitted with the application, together with the consultation responses of the local highway authority, concluded that the proposal would not have an adverse effect upon the road network or result in any unacceptable highway safety impacts. Therefore, in accordance with Policy CP2 and Paragraph 111 of the Planning Policy Framework, officers advised that planning permission should not be refused for reasons related to highway matters.
Subject to conditions Officers believed that the proposal would comply with the requirements of the development plan and material considerations did not indicate that planning permission should be refused in this case. Significant weight would be given to the economic benefits and approval was therefore recommended by the Officers.
The Committee had before it the published Officer report containing the key planning issues, relevant planning policies, planning history, any response from consultees, written representations received and a recommendation of approval.
At the meeting, an oral presentation was made by the Council’s Planning Team Leader (JJ) in respect of the application.
An update sheet had been circulated to the Committee prior to the meeting with details of:
(1) Comments from Tendring Council Waste Services in relation to refuse collection and; (2) A proposed Amendment to Condition 2 as follows:
“2. The landscaping plan has been update to include hedging across the front of plots 1 and 3 and around the site to mitigate the impact of vehicle headlights from cars entering the site. Therefore Condition 2 is updated to reflect the amended plan:-
The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in strict accordance with the following approved plans and reports:
Drawing No 937/01C – Proposed Site Layout ... view the full minutes text for item 228. |
The application has been called in by Councillor Anne Davis.
The proposal is for the demolition of the existing dwelling and the construction of four detached bungalows with associated parking and landscaping. It is also proposed to increase the width of the main access way from Turpins Lane. The site is located within the defined Settlement Development Boundary of Frinton-on-Sea and is considered to be an existing backland site. Minutes: Members were advised that this application had been called in by Councillor Anne Davis.
The Committee was informed that this application was for the demolition of the existing dwelling and the construction of four detached bungalows with associated parking and landscaping. It was also proposed to increase the width of the main access way from Turpins Lane. The site was located within the defined Settlement Development Boundary of Frinton-on-Sea and was considered to be an existing backland site.
The proposal was considered by Officers to be of a size, scale and design in keeping with the overall grain of residential development in the surrounding area. There were no concerns raised regarding the impact on the neighbouring residential properties and subject to conditions it was considered by Officers to be acceptable in regards to Highways and Parking impacts.
Members were reminded that the application had been deferred from the November 2021 Committee meeting due to concerns raised by Councillors regarding the ecology impacts of the development and more information had been requested in regard to the protection measures proposed for the existing TPO tree located adjacent to the proposed access way. An Arboricultural Impact Assessment and Preliminary Method Statement, Preliminary Ecological Assessment and a Construction Management Plan had been now submitted to support the application.
The Committee had before it the published Officer report containing the key planning issues, relevant planning policies, planning history, any response from consultees, written representations received and a recommendation of approval.
At the meeting, an oral presentation was made by the Council’s Planning Team Leader (JJ) in respect of the application.
The agent acting on behalf of the applicant, spoke in support of the application.
Mr Harry Shearing, a local resident, spoke against the application.
Councillor Anne Davis, a local Ward Member, had submitted a written representation objecting to the application, which was read out by Councillor Mark Stephenson who was present in the public gallery. (Councillor Davis had been unable to attend the meeting due to Covid-19 related illness.)
The Chairman, at this time, requested approval from Members of the ... view the full minutes text for item 229. |
This application is before Members at the request of Councillor Land, for concerns regarding the development’s impact on urban design/street scene, highways impact and/or other traffic issues and positive/negative Impact on neighbours.
The application seeks full planning permission for the erection of a single storey dwelling, with an attached car-port to the right hand side. The dwelling’s footprint would be a reversed L-shape with a rear-gable projection and a feature oversail porch roof to the front elevation. Both the main roof and that of the car-port would be gabled-ended. The eaves of the dwelling would be in the region of 2.7m and it would have a ridge of approximately 5.5m. Areas of hardstanding are proposed to the perimeter of the dwelling, along with a grassed back garden with bin-storage to the rear right hand boundary. Minutes: The Chairman, had earlier in the meeting, informed the Committee and public present that Item 8 on the agenda, Planning Application 21/02022/FUL – CHINESE COTTAGE RESTAURANT, HIGH STREET, THORPE-LE-SOKEN, ESSEX, was deferred at the applicant’s request.