Issue - meetings

Meeting: 05/08/2016 - Cabinet (Item 59)

59 Report of the Finance, Revenues and Benefits Portfolio Holder - Treasury Management Performance 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 165 KB

To report on the Council’s treasury management activities and Prudential Indicators for 2015/16.

Additional documents:


That the Treasury management performance position and Prudential and Treasury Indicators for 2015/16 be noted.



There was submitted a report by the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Revenues & Benefits (Report A.4), which sought to provide Cabinet with an overview of the Council’s treasury management activities and Prudential Indicators for 2015/16.


Cabinet was informed that:


·           Borrowing and investments had been undertaken in accordance with the 2015/16 Annual Treasury Strategy that had been approved by Council on 24 March 2015;


·           No external borrowing had been undertaken in 2015/16 for either the General Fund or the Housing Revenue Account; and


·           The amount of interest earned from investments remained low because of the continuing low interest rates existing throughout the year.  However, due to maximising investment opportunities and cash flow advantages during the year interest returns had been in line with the increased amount budgeted.


The outturn for the Prudential Indicators was before Members as Appendix B to the Report of the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Revenues & Benefits.


Having considered the report:


It was moved by Councillor Howard, seconded by Councillor G V Guglielmi and RESOLVED that the treasury management performance position and Prudential and Treasury Indicators for 2015/16 be noted.