Issue - meetings

Meeting: 05/09/2017 - Cabinet (Item 81)

81 Report of Finance and Corporate Resources Portfolio Holder -A.4- Corporate Budget Monitoring Report for the First Quarter of 2017/18 pdf icon PDF 121 KB

To provide an overview of the Council’s actual financial position against the budget as at the end of June 2017.


Additional documents:


(a)   the financial position, as at the end of June 2017, be noted;


(b)   in respect of the General Fund capital programme for 2017/18, a revised capital programme that totals £17.425m as set out in Appendix D be agreed; and


(c)   the repair of the Venetian Bridge, Clacton be agreed and that the 2017/18 General Fund capital programme be increased by £0.205m to meet the cost of the necessary work, funded from the 2017/18 Fit for Purpose Budget.



There was submitted a detailed report and appendices by the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Corporate Resources (A.4), which provided Cabinet with an overview of the Council’s actual financial position against the budget as at the end of June 2017 (Quarter One).


Cabinet was informed that some of the information that was set out in the appendices had been refreshed for 2017/18 and that separate appendices were no longer included for the significant income streams and council tax and business rate information.


The overview covered the following areas of the budget:-


(1)   General Fund Revenue;

(2)   Expenditure Budgets;

(3)   Income Budgets;

(4)   Delivery of Savings 2017/18;

(5)   2017/2018 Budget Adjustments and Issues;

(6)   Housing Revenue Account – Revenue;

(7)   Capital Programme – General Fund;

(8)   Capital Programme – Housing Revenue Account;

(9)   Collection Performance; and

(10)   Treasury Activity.


Having considered the report and appendices, it was moved by Councillor G V Guglielmi, seconded by Councillor Stock OBE and RESOLVED that:


(a)   the financial position, as at the end of June 2017, be noted;


(b)   in respect of the General Fund capital programme for 2017/18, a revised capital programme that totals £17.425m as set out in Appendix D be agreed; and


(c)   the repair of the Venetian Bridge, Clacton be agreed and that the 2017/18 General Fund capital programme be increased by £0.205m to meet the cost of the necessary work, funded from the 2017/18 Fit for Purpose Budget.