Issue - meetings

Meeting: 20/12/2024 - Cabinet (Item 9.)

9. Leader of the Council's Items - A.3 - Delivering against the Council's Corporate Plan 2024-28 - Initial Proposals for Highlight Priorities for 2025/26 pdf icon PDF 156 KB

The Council’s strategic direction is set out in its Corporate Plan which is a fundamental element of the Council’s Policy Framework. The Corporate Plan (‘Our Vision’) was adopted unanimously by Council on 28 November 2023 (Minute 76 refers) and covers the period 2024-28. A key element of delivering against the adopted Corporate Plan is through annual highlight priority actions approved by the Cabinet.


The 2025/26 initial proposals for highlight priorities are set out at Appendix B to this report. Through this report, Cabinet is invited to adopt these for consultation purposes before finalising its highlight priorities for 2025/26; which will involve consideration of the outcome of the consultation undertaken.

Additional documents:




(a)    the initial highlight priorities for 2025/26, as set out at Appendix B to the report (A.3), be approved for consultation;


(b)    all Councillors, other partners and the public be invited to consider the initial priorities referred to in (a) above; and


(c)    the outcome of the consultation referred to in (b) above be reported to Cabinet on 21 February 2025 in order that Cabinet can formally adopt its finalised highlight priority actions for 2025/26 with relevant milestones during that year.