Issue - meetings

Meeting: 14/07/2017 - Cabinet (Item 72)

72 Reference from the Corporate Management Committee - A.4 - Corporate Budget Monitoring - Financial Outturn 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 251 KB

To enable Cabinet to give consideration to comments and a recommendation made to it by the Corporate Management Committee in respect of the above.



(1)     In respect of points (a) and (b), the Corporate Management Committee’s comments are noted; and


(2)     In respect of point (c), this will be treated as a capital receipt, with its future use considered within the wider financial framework.



Cabinet was informed that the Corporate Management Committee, at its meeting held on 26 June 2017, had considered the Financial Outturn Report that had previously been considered by the Cabinet at its meeting held on 16 June 2017.


In addition to the comments to Cabinet set out below, during the discussion of this item, and in response to Members’ questions, the Head of Finance, Revenues and Benefits had undertook to circulate to Members after the meeting the following –


(i)      a break down of the grants given to organisations under the Big Society scheme during the last financial year;

(ii)     a copy of the Officer report to Cabinet associated with the appointment of a Public Health specialist;

(iii)    a schedule of statutory and non-statutory duties undertaken by Local Authorities as prepared by the Department for Communities and Local Government as a useful reference for the future;

(iv)   an update against the various comments that the Committee made to Cabinet when it considered the Financial Strategy and Detailed Budgets for 2017/18 earlier in the year; and

(v)    in respect of the collection of housing rent performance, the comparative figure for 2015/16.


It was also agreed that Members’ questions on the following matters would be put to the relevant Officers when they attended the next meeting of the Committee on 24 July 2017:


(1)  Fast Food Initiative Funded Projects;

(2)  Weekly Waste Collection Grant Funded Initiatives;

(3)  Men’s Cycle Tour;

(4)  Health and Safety Review following Legionnaires issue at Frinton & Walton Pool;

(5)  Beach Economy; and

(6)  The proposed provision of new Beach Huts.


The Corporate Management Committee had decided that the following comments/recommendation be put to Cabinet, namely that –


(a)  the Committee supports the 20% in planning fees;


(b)  the Committee looks forward to receiving an update in due course on how this additional income will be used to improve the Planning service; and


(c)  the insurance claim monies from the Cloes Lane, Clacton-on-Sea, rebuild should be ring-fenced and used (with Section 106 monies) to ‘buy back’ a former Council dwelling lost under the ‘right to buy’ legislation.


Having considered the comments/recommendation of the Corporate Management Committee:


It was moved by Councillor G V Guglielmi, seconded by Councillor Stock and:




(1)  In respect of points (a) and (b), the Corporate Management Committee’s comments are noted; and


(2)   In respect of point (c), this will be treated as a capital receipt, with its future use considered within the wider financial framework.