Issue - meetings

Meeting: 05/11/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 27)

27 Report of the Director (Planning & Communities) - A.1 - 23-00923-FUL - Clacton FC, Rush Green Road, Clacton-on-Sea, CO16 7BQ pdf icon PDF 580 KB

Extension to existing football club to provide additional weather training pitch area.

Additional documents:


Earlier on in the meeting as reported under Minute 24 above, Councillor Goldman had declared for the public record that he was a local Ward Member and that he would be speaking on the application in that capacity. He therefore withdrew from the meeting and retired to the public gallery and took no part whilst the Committee deliberated and made its decision on this application.


The Committee was informed that the proposal was for an extension to the existing Clacton Football Club (FC) in order to provide an additional all weather training pitch area. The Artificial Grass Pitch (AGP) was proposed to be located on land which formed part of the Rush Green Safeguarded Open Space and this application was before the Planning Committee as the land was owned by Tendring District Council and because the proposal represented a departure from the development plan.


The Committee was made aware that Policy HP4 of the Local Plan 2013-2033 identified areas of safeguarded open spaces to be protected. The policy stated that development that would result in the loss of the whole or part of areas designated as Safeguarded Open Space would not be permitted unless certain criteria were met. Officers felt that this proposal would result in the permanent loss of a section of safeguarded open space because the scheme included a 4.5 metre fence around the proposed AGP, and its use was exclusively for Clacton FC members and other potential sport users whilst not including the wider public and removing that area of land from general recreational open space use. Whilst the proposal would benefit members of Clacton FC and other potential sport users that might be subject to commercial payment, access to the area by the wider general public would be permanently lost without any replacement.


Officers reminded Members that the proposal would bring some health benefits and benefits to Clacton FC and their members, making the club more agile in respect of their offer and equipping them with a much-needed facility. Against those benefits, the pitch would be sectioned off and the loss of the safeguarded open space would therefore be permanent. Sport England had offered their strong support despite the part loss of the safeguarded open space.


Officers further reminded Members that the proposed development would result in some visual harm due to the fencing and floodlighting proposed and its intrusion outwardly into the remaining open space. The landscaping proposed would be largely ineffective in mitigating that harm, and that weighed further against the proposal. Neutral elements included no harm to neighbouring amenity, there was considered to be sufficient parking provisions and ECC Highways had offered no objections subject to conditions. Similarly, ECC Ecology had not objected to the proposal subject to conditions.


Members were told that, taking all of the detailed considerations above into consideration, Officers had concluded that, on this occasion the principle of development was not acceptable as it failed to comply with Policy HP4 of the Local Plan 2013-2033 and the health benefits  ...  view the full minutes text for item 27