Issue - meetings

Meeting: 20/09/2024 - Cabinet (Item 52)

52 Cabinet Members' Items - Report of the Leisure and Public Realm Portfolio Holder - A.6 - Sport and Activity Strategy for Tendring pdf icon PDF 206 KB

To present a five-year Sport and Activity Strategy for Cabinet adoption, taking into account stakeholder comments, following a public consultation process.

Additional documents:




(a)    the Sport and Activity Strategy 2024 – 2028, as set out at Appendix A to the Leisure and Public Realm Portfolio Holder’s report (A.6), be approved and formally adopted;


(b)    in addition to the £122,530 assigned by Cabinet to the Sport and Activity Strategy at their meeting held on 12 March 2024, a further sum of £24,490, being the remaining balance from previously agreed Joint Use Sports Centre grant funding, be hereby allocated to support the delivery of the action plan; and


(c)    the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Public Realm be authorised to prioritise the key actions from the Sport and Activity Strategy and the subsequent allocation of the approved Sport and Activity Strategy budget. 



Cabinet considered a report of the Leisure and Public Realm Portfolio Holder (A.6), which presented a five-year Sport and Activity Strategy for its adoption, taking into account stakeholder comments, and following a public consultation process.


Cabinet recalled that, at its meeting held on 12 March 2024, it had considered a draft Sport and Activity Strategy and had agreed to initiate a consultation process on the document.  Following that six-week consultation, Cabinet was now presented with a final version of an evidence-based Sport and Activity Strategy, to support delivery of the Council’s priorities as set out in the newly adopted Corporate Plan.  This strategy would set the direction for the Council’s focus on supporting residents to become more physically active and working with partners to improve quality of life for local people.


Members were reminded that research by the Department of Health had demonstrated that increasing activity levels would contribute to the prevention and management of over 20 health conditions and diseases.  Adoption of this strategy and the accompanying action plan could support increased participation in physical activity levels in the District, from a historically low base, to improve health outcomes and all-round quality of life for local people.


Following conclusions drawn from the evidence base of the strategy and the consultation submissions, the following strategic objectives were considered to be key in delivering quality outcomes for local people:-


1.    Support improvement to Tendring wide health outcomes

2.    Improve quality of life for all local people

3.    Long term sustainability & quality of Sports Facilities and wider community offer

4.    Ensure every resident is included in sport and active wellbeing


It was noted that the strategy had been presented with a detailed action plan, to impact on all of objectives set out above. At their March 2024 meeting, Cabinet had allocated a one off sum of £122,530 from the budget for the former Joint Use Facilities towards the action plan.  Although it would not be possible for the Council to fund all the actions listed, adopting an action plan would allow the Council to proactively identify external funding opportunities and link projects to future developer contributions/Section 106 monies. It was further recommended through the Portfolio Holder’s report that a balance of £24,490 from a grant funding pot previously agreed by Cabinet to support users of the former Joint Use Facilities at Harwich and Brightlingsea Sport Centres, be allocated to support delivery of the action plan, bringing the total allocated to date to the delivery of actions within the delivery plan to £147,020.


Members were informed that a key focus of this work was to ensure that all residents felt represented by the strategy and were afforded increased opportunities to become ‘active where they live.’  This could be achieved by a much wider focus on community activity in all areas of the District, through supporting and facilitating local clubs, organisations and partners to continue and extend their important work.  Building on the success of the Sport England Local Delivery Pilot Scheme (LDP),  ...  view the full minutes text for item 52